
Except for an important question the article doesn’t answer - was Towle selling his replicas?

Sarah Koenig is not some blogger that decided to get into the fray. She’s a Peabody award journalist that been at the NY Times and ABC. If anything I think she was smart to tackle something intriguing but less high profile to test the Serial format. This will be good.

Maybe not mush, but those plates are the best to be sure foods don’t tough!

Which happens now—often it’s less trouble!

Datapads, aka your everyday tablet and/or smartphone.

Not so much arguing with computers, but the idea that a device could hold all information known up to that point.

Someone needs to learn the difference between copy and copy at current time.

“It seems the granddaughter of Ignotus Peverell, Iolanthe Peverell, married Harry Potter’s “direct descendant” Hardwin Potter.”

That scene in season 1 where she just laced into Ward and straight-up called him a Nazi was what won me over.

In recent shows? This man is the only answer to the question posed:


This is wonderful. I remember as a kid, I spent more time than was healthy on Star Trek: The Captain’s Chair, an interactive CD-ROM which allowed you to tour various bridges and press buttons.

First, this is very, very cool. Second, i guess VR isn’t the only thing making a comeback. Anyone else have the interactive technical manual, circa 1994? Despite the obnoxious use of QuickTime (which broke almost immediately when the newer QT releases came out, it was really a fantastic “game”

Look, I just want to see Batman knocking out Guy Gardner with one punch, okay? And also Fire and Ice. And Martian Manhunter eating oreos. And Mary Marvel drinking espresso. And everyone mocking Elongated Man for his origin and him saying that he was bitten by a radioactive rubber band. And Ralph and Sue Dibney!

The reports mentioned two inside sources, each claiming a different Beetle, then they specified that both sources compared the movie to the ‘buddy cop’ genre and pointed out that description fits Ted and Booster much more than it does Booster and Jaime. Honestly, I think if this happens, we’d get Ted Kord. The whole

Or maybe ‘Formally Known As’. I think both mini series would work better if the audience is already familiar with the characters, the fact they’ve known each other for years but drifted apart & the larger universe though, so maybe a few years down the line after the third Blue & Gold film doesn’t do so well compared

They should just make an adaptation of I Can’t Believe It’s Not the Justice League. It’s a hilarious comedy!

I mean, it was pretty telegraphed in the books too, right?

“Bridge on the Captain!”

It’s been a long time but when did the last few seasons of TNG start to be considered lackluster? This sounds like rank revisionism to me.