
Does it really shows Tony not haunted? He does quit the Avengers and leaves it to Cap. Cap asks him to join, and he says he can’t do it and needs “a vacation” That doesn’t read like someone ready to superhero again.

Good point: Consider that SHIELD was entirely being run by Hydra for god knows how long and you have a REALLY good reason not to trust the government.

Comic book superheroes are almost entirely vigilantes who work outside the law, which is actually a crime. By registering with a government agency, their work could actually be sanctioned!

A Falcon/Ant-Man teamup movie could be pretty good.

By registering with a government agency, their work could actually be sanctioned! They could save the day legally! In many regards, the Superhuman Registration Act would be a major step up for superheroes!

There is no quicker way to weaken your own argument than to accuse someone of killing one of the most successful TV series on the planet.

I Have Some Serious Concerns About the Captain America: Civil War Movie

Both Clara and River’s “mysteries” are done though, and their characters gte to be themselves, and not a puzzle to be unlocked...Clara with Twelve is WAY better than Clara the Impossible Girl.

Yeah, god forbid Doctor Who have female characters who do stuff beside getting kidnapped.

A lot of _____ fans are tired of _____ character. Great. A lot of other fans like that character. And here we are.

Frankly, it’ll be good to see her interact with a more, uh, “age appropriate” Doctor.

Production value (!) is excellent. But it’s a little flat. Would have liked to have seen Fett a little the worse for wear, maybe some bits of grue on him. In fact, they really should take a page from the old Tales from Jabba’s Palace story, and show Fett obliterating the Sarlacc from the cockpit of Slave 1.

I want a Fett movie where it turns out he isn’t a particularly good Bounty Hunter and mostly gets by on the Mandalorian legend and the exploits of his father.

Then they can throw in a character arc where he justifies all the hype.

I know a lot of people say Season 1 is not good, but I found it pretty fine. Mid season 2 right now, and yeah it picks up quite well. I’ll start with Season 1 - the first 4 or so episodes are one act. You can skip the movie, I found it enjoyable, but there was special outside circumstance in play when I saw it. Just

It is targeted at kids, but it not a show only for kids. Like Clone Wars was.

I’ll grant you the first half of the season when they’re playing around with 3PO and R2 and stealing fruit, but when Tarkin shows up and beheads a couple of folks, the tone is very much elevated beyond that of a typical kids show and the season 2 premiere was very Action adventure and not kiddy.

What WideStance said. Start at Season 2 if you want to skip the worst of it (although season 1 and the movie do give a bit of good back story). By S3 the show pretty much drops any “this is for kids” context, and by S5 it’s darker than Empire (with a few exceptions, like the weird Droid story arc - and even it gets

I dunno... It has much more depth then a lot of other kids shows... and def less kiddy than the CGI Clone Wars, imo.

He loses it pretty fast.

Its when you come out to yourself, mostly, due to your awareness of your own attraction to one sex or the other.