
Pretty sure that’s always been the case in Batman. Or at least at Arkham....

Barbara was actually kind of interesting! Can we keep her on the path of evil?

She fell in love with a serial killer, murdered her parents, and some other stuff I guess.

I can’t really fault the hair. It was the real life version of Ditko’s Peter Parker hair.

But seriously, if he had been cast in a Marvel Spider Man film, it would have been utterly amazing. He was so close to portraying Parker (and Spider Man) perfectly.

Goyer is a talentless tool to begin with. He’s great at riding coat-tails though. Someone needs to take the story decisions out of this guy’s hands.

I am pretty sure that Infinity War Parts 1 and 2 will end up with every Marvel movie character putting in an appearance ,maybe even cameos by the TV heroes .

He is definitely wrong or being willfully obtuse. The Thanos stuff in Guardians would be even more unnecessary if the overall narrative wasn’t somehow pointing them all in the same direction.

Thank you, every single article seems to omit this fact. The director gave her the option of wearing something more suited for the action and she chose the heels. It obviously fit the character she was playing in the movie and I think we should move on. This is a pretty clear case of bending reality to fit a

And I agree with her. Of course they’re not suitable for running around a jungle. Anyone with half a brain knows that. It was a very specific part of her character. They served a very specific purpose.

Shhh.. Germain has an ax to grind. Don’t let the facts get in the way of that...

In defense of the Notorious High Heels, Bryce Dallas Howard wanted it in the movie because she believed it suited the character

Cartoon Egon, at that!

There is very little on this earth that makes me happier than Kate McKinnon’s Egon-ish hair.

I guess. But I’ve been reading Superman for 20 years and hell, I couldn’t answer the question. PLUS, he probably doesn’t want to give the “wrong” answer and piss off crazy fans who think the answer he gives has any bearing whatsoever on the outcome of the film. Believe me, who Henry Cavill thinks Superman should date

Well... he is an ACTOR, not a writer or comic books expert. Give the guy a break.

This is the most Gawker-esque articled I’ve seen in awhile on io9. Do you think you could be any more shocked and disgusted at absolutely nothing?

It’s possible. I think it’s unlikely. But it’s possible. The series wrapped over 25 years ago and we’ve got a rather elderly Captain Picard now. So I don’t know. It would be… it could be entertaining.

The make-up on Wayne Pygram was very good.