
they sure change lives....

Ya but I think DC is trying to replace David S Goyer with Chris Terreo after those comments he made. I’m pretty sure he’s not even writing the JL movie

Goyer probably saw the crappy mid 90’s Justice League movie with David Ogden Steirs(???) as MM and thought “no thanks!”

I’m actually afraid that this sitcom is why Berlanti and Co. were not allowed to use Ted Kord on Arrow or Booster in Legends.

Or they could just cut to the chase and give us a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle tv show.

Well, Goyer is pretty much an expert on stupid so I think his opinion holds weight.

Goyer and Nolan are two of the worst people imaginable to be working on these films. While the Dark Knight Trilogy was quite enjoyable (and The Dark Knight itself is an awesome piece of film making), both of these men have made it clear that they barely respect the universe that these characters come from.

Yeah, well what about all the people who are publicly on record stating that David S. Goyer is stupid?

It’s okay because it sounds like Warner Bros kicked him off the project after bringing on Chris Terrio (who did the Justice League script too)

Goyer is human garbage and the fact that he’s allowed to play with these characters is a disgrace.

Just when I think I can’t lose more heart with the DCCU. I only really Know J’onn from the DCAU, but he was always one of my favourites, Strong, noble. He seemed like the heart of the team, even more than Superman.

Like I needed more reasons to hate Goyer.

Good thing it’s not all up to Goyer.

But Goyer’s role in the DCU has been diminished a lot, he might not have much say in that down the line.

Hahaha! I didn’t know that, and a troubled man dressed in a clunky bat suit isn’t!

Specifically he said:

Yeah, someone else just mentioned that. Fuckin’ lame. I don’t get why so many studios resist embracing the goofier aspects of the characters and just having fun. I mean, Marvel got that with a lot of their stuff (especially GotG), but Fox and DC seem so resistant to the idea.

Except the people running the cinematic universe have said how incredibly ridiculous they find the Martian Manhunter. It also shows off how damn resistant they are to actual comic book things.

Dear WB,