
I think there’s a big difference between not doing callbacks to the prequels, and outright contradicting them. Especially since Disney has been very clear that they are canon. The idea of pretending the prequels don’t exist is more fanboy wishful thinking than anything supported by reality.

Too bad Sabine appears to be of galaxy far far away Asian descent.

Yup. My thoughts exactly.

Here, hold this lampshade.

Wouldn’t hiring a white actress to play the daughter of a character played by a Maori be Emma Stone in Aloha all over again? Does Hollywood never learn?

Yeah, that was my thoughts on it. The age just doesn't make sense or add up given the time frame of the movie.

Be a disappointing casting choice since Bobba Fett isn’t white. Plus I bet she doesn’t even have any clone heritage.

If Fett (who is only 32 by the time ANH happens) has an adult daughter in RO, that means he became a father while he was still a tween.

It’s my favourite out of the series. I know, I’m a blasphemer.

Halloween 3 really is an underrated horror movie.

Cows will eat LIVE KITTENS given the chance. A raven with PLUCK OUT THE EYES of the cutest bunny rabbit you’ve ever seen.

And thus, if Gary Steiner, a Moral Philosophist and Vegan, cannot control himself and indulges his cat for personal pleasure, he would have a terrible time convincing anyone that he’s morally correct for being a Vegan. He is selling out his own cause. So it’s ok to kill animals to keep your pet alive, but someone I’m

This article is the very definition of First World Problems.

If you avoid meat for the sake of animal welfare and consider it unethical for an omnivore human to eat a diet that includes meat, then you shouldn’t own a carnivorous pet like a cat. To do so would violate those ethics. People don’t NEED cats. It is a component to your life that is far more optional than not eating

It’s almost as if there’s something wrong with imposing your species-specific moral code onto another species.

I’m curious about how ethical vegans square the fact that a lot of animals die in the agricultural process of growing fruits and vegetables. Why does it matter if an animal dies so you can eat it but it doesn’t matter if it gets killed by pesticides or gets ground up by a combine harvester?


Oh for fuck’s sake. Look, I have respect for people who commit to veg/veganism on moral grounds, because yeah, even as a practicality, we are only feeding into an unsustainable and generally miserable process. But dogs and cats are obligate carnivores. You can’t change that any more than you find gravity to be a

A LEAST he is recognizing his personal moral choices should not be placed on his pet. After 10 years in Veterinary medicine, if I hear on more person tell me “Oh, I don’t feed my pets meat because I am vegan” I am going to start bopping them with a ham hock.

Sorry, but I can’t roll my eyes any harder.