

LOL, ok, you have fun with that, but taking your degree and running home won’t be helpful in that environment. I was responding to your overly broad statement, by the way: “nor is Luke’s desire for a more adventurous life ever touched again”

Oh yeah, I misread your post. Totally agreed!

That was but one example and perhaps a poor one. The point stands. My other example, of the Whills as mystical keepers of the force and history, are explored in a couple of forms in Clone Wars.

It’s never touched on again?

Now playing

It’s one of the most memorable parts of the movie.

Please re-read my comment. It was in response to the possibility that Lucas thought up certain elements (“a blockade of a planet called Naboo”) that were not used until much later in the series.

Owen was Luke’s de facto father for 19 years. Luke’s entire arc while on Tatooine is yearning to be free from what he sees is his dead-end fate. That’s far from a “minor plot point”

What is the conflict between Luke and Owen if not a rejection of his father figure’s plans?

That was the impression I got from the initial announcements of the sale - Disney acquird his story notes for VII-IX and he would be available as a consultant on them, but not involved beyond that. Speculation, but it sounds like after they dumped his ideas there was no further reason to talk.

You should watch Clone Wars, which was wonderful. He was deeply involved with all aspects of the show right up until he sold the franchise.

Considering that his very early drafts for the first movie had characters that were later used in the prequels and Clone Wars (Mace Windu and the Whills to name just two), I totally believe it. Certainly it wasn’t in the exact same form but he definitely incorporated elements and ideas from his early drafts into the

You are ignoring the other father figure in ANH - Uncle Owen. And Luke is clearly rebelling against Owen’s wish that he take over the family business. That’s the purest form of Lucas’s own rebellion against his father in any of the movies.

In ANH a huge plot point is Luke’s rejection of Uncle Owen’s desire that he stay and help on the farm.

The Jedi weren’t really firing on all cylinders at that point and hadn’t been for a long time.

As others have mentioned, Black Sun figured heavily in an arc late in Clone Wars too. I wouldn’t be shocked if they did bring in Thrawn - after all they will need new villains from time to time.

I’m not sure if they used him in this episode, but Reubens did voice RX-24 in season one. This may be a different RX droid though, seeing as how he gets exploded at the end of the episode.

Lightning causing Kryptonian ability transfer is a common thing - happened on Smallville too.

Why is the map in twilight when the battle in the movie was broad daylight?

Minority Report promo says “In two weeks” because it’s from two weeks ago (there was no episode last week)