
I wouldn’t exactly call the original uniforms pretty. These costumes are largely the same with the exception of the reflective tape and gaiters. And no elbow pads (I guess with the slightly smaller pack, you don’t have the issue with the actors banging their elbows like the originals).

My real issue with that scene is that Batman broke that dude’s neck.....

So Batman broke that krypto-fascist guy’s neck in that fight scene... WTF. I guess they just wanted to get that out there early?

Had same thought. Or Clara? Eyebrows.

YES came here to say the same thing. Must have Embo!

Duncan Jones, could you please convince your dad to be in a Labyrinth sequel, which you would direct? I think that would be amazing all around.

Looks like that crate on the back is full of equipment and there is some kind of gadget on the handlebars!

It makes me think of the Ecto 3 from Real Ghostbusters, one of my favorite moments on the show as a kid. The Ecto 1 had hidden in a fender this fold out motor-unicycle with side car :)

Ok, you know what, if in actuality Skynet is Mister Clever I will be happy and overlook the many other issues with this movie.

I don’t know who they are, but is she a giant or is that just a tiny man?

That’s crazy! The voice is good but he even bears more than a passing resemblance to Ford. Ok, I’m sold.

It kinda looks like they based it on their Spirit Lords game. The play mechanics were fun enough but the original storyline didn’t hold my interest... maybe that will change with this one! I’ll give it a shot at least.

Oops, just made a similar comment! I do wonder if that’s what they are doing.

They could go with the original idea, where Paul Reubens was offered the role of Gozer (he would have been in a business suit, so maybe more like Gozer in the form of Ivo Shandor). He turned it down and they went with a scary lady instead.

<3 Stinky the cat

Justice League International is the best Justice League.

It doesn’t! Dunno where the author got that idea. The original articles say nothing about the building itself moving, apart from the typical oscillations you’d expect in a tall building when subject to wind.

Oh, yeah, no clue there. T2 never addressed it either but maybe we are to assume that the surface of the mimetic poly-alloy can reconfigure to shield the metal core enough that the time displacement field doesn’t reject it?

Or The Matrix, or Battlestar Galactica, or Terminator, or Planet of the Apes, or...