
Same. But only because of her.

Jamie Lee Curtis is the only part that makes me want to watch this.

Haha, yeah, hopefully not. I’d take him as part of The Conglomerate though :)

If they bring in Constantine, Fate is already partially established on that show!

Thanks for the links! Here’s the relevant page from the reddit:

Very interesting. I read the first round of those comics (set in season 1) at which time they essentially confirmed that the man Merlyn met in Nanda Parbat was Ra’s al Ghul (long before the show mentioned him), so they definitely have a track record of hinting at future show stuff. I’ll have to check out the recent

I was with you until the bit about Nyssa... Why would he “take his vow seriously” when it was never sincere, being part of a con on Ra’s and Nyssa was coerced into it? Not to mention that nothing has indicated that Nyssa is bi. No.

I bet the last minute change from Blue Beetle to Atom was too late to rewrite the season’s arc in a way that allows for super powers of that nature... but they’re clearly hinting that he’ll have them for next season due to that explosion.

Hmm, maybe. That would be neat but is even more of a stretch to adapt those characters to Diggle than Guardian/Vigilante

With Snart’s love of themed songs (“Cold as Ice” in the villain bar!!) I really think it is a matter of time before they do a duet :)

Yes - I bet that is what Merlyn’s end of the deal is at the end of the season finale.

Lol that is one of them. I was thinking more the one with the ski goggles. Kind of a non-lethal Punisher character.

Dropping the green hood and growing a crazy beard also will make it harder for people (assassins) to impersonate him!

Guardian is a good idea! Vigilante could work too? He’s a little more gun-centric like Diggle

I feel like this story at least might work better in a pre-Avengers setting. Then you can bring in Coulson (and May) without breaking the movie side of things. While it would be nice to see AoS in Avengers I have a feeling they won’t go there with how packed with characters the future movies already are.

Can they cross over though? It sounds like Superman has been operating for a while now in this show’s universe. No mention of him at all in Arrowverse.

I’m going to wait and see if the pilot awkwardness shakes out after a few episodes. Parts of it seem well done, but wow, that trailer was not. Tonally all over the place, and the music...

“A clue that Green Lantern may be joining the DC TV-iverse, or a fun easter egg? Definitely an easter egg. Settle down.”

Haha! I had the same thought about the new pig. There is a resemblance especially in the eyes.

Yep. And on that same show, even before that episode if you include when they communicate through the bridge viewscreen. That audio has been translated as well.