
The point is, the people currently in charge of the movies think they *should* come from Miller.

Terminator 3. Though the bunker in that movie is more like Cheyenne Mountain/Greenbrier/Mount Weather than this Fed specific place.

I wonder if it is because the Ted Kord version of Blue Beetle is public domain? Charleton Comics characters weren’t properly copyrighted until 1977. Maybe there was some concern with other people being able to use the character as well.

He did call them light beams or whatever the term was that the BB blaster uses!

Chewbacca, Artoo, and Threepio are the only ones I can think of. And Threepio had his memory wiped so many times that he’s not necessarily the same droid. So just Chewie and Artoo. Oh, and Mon Mothma if you want to include more background characters.

Yeah, they’ve also been that cheap for about a year now off and on (and they are *great* bulbs). They randomly clearance them out at even lower prices too. Seeing LED bulb prices at every other store being 2-3x higher boggles the mind.

I once saw a guy puffing away on a vaporizer that was so big and complex it looked like a lightsaber. He was sitting in his car at a stoplight and the cloud was just as voluminous as you’d think from something that big, and I wondered first of all how he could drive like that, and then wondered if he got some kind of

Behind-the-scenes photo? The wires haven’t been photoshopped out yet :)

Yes! I would so much rather watch A&A and Q&W than these.

Maybe related to Eggplant Friday?

Yeah, I was thinking how weird it was to see Cyclops being so level-headed and right :)

Yes, that irked me too. I liked that the dialog allowed for “they say everyone is [bi]” but still.

When you’re closeted deep enough you can convince yourself that you have crushes on someone of the opposite sex, especially when that someone is unavailable. In that context Beast being gay makes a lot of sense. But what’s happening in that page you posted is pretty crappy of Hank and would be completely humiliating

It is wonderful that the pre-made frosting scourge is barely present there. That stuff is foul.

Typically the cheap boxed cake mixes call for oil and eggs to be added during preparation. Do they call for melted butter over there? Or are boxed cake mixes not really a thing?

Yes exactly, lol. Baby is sending mixed messages!

Sphero worked on the BB-8 puppets used in the movie. It is rather certain to happen :)

While we are only 8 months out, it only feels like full court press because there’s been a lot of coverage of the Star Wars Celebration convention from last week. It will die down a bit before the marketing begins in earnest. The sanctity of your breakfast cereals is safe for a few months more :)

I think no mention of space battles indicates no space battles.