

Oh right, duh. I’ve had Clone Wars on the brain lately, and the clone rifle was partly based on the OT heavy blaster / MG-34, which is indeed pictured.

It is generally in the style of the Spacetrooper seen on the exterior of the Death Star docking bay but the backpack and hose connection are different. And he’s either holding a clone trooper rifle or another interpretation of the Spacetrooper blaster.

They said in last night's episode that Skye is 26 (actually almost 27, being born July 2, 1988). So Matt is only a few years older.

Dunno about other merch, but you can currently find his action figure pegwarming at major retailers!

This seems like it would be more like a giant bird net than a bird sanctuary...

Yeah it’s disappointing they stopped :(

I’m under the impression that the transition to Google Wifi was finished at the end of last year but I don’t remember seeing any coverage of it on game sites —…. But yeah, I didn’t know about it until I did some research trying to determine if my 3DS was messed up, and found a few

Speaking of Streetpass, now that Starbucks no longer uses AT&T for their wifi I’m finding it harder and harder to hit Streetpass Relay locations. I haven’t had a single Streetpass on my New 3DS in the month I’ve been using it... It’s as bad as it was when the 3DS was first released.

My comment was a reply to RobNYC, who was specifically talking about the flashback scene...

Wow, that is the whitest cast I've seen in years.

That was my takeaway. Current-Cersei thinks it refers to Margaery but we viewers think (hope) that it really meant Danerys

I thought the implication was that Gus was a front for Missy and her experiments to create an afterlife?

So I guess the Wii U version still uses a gateway instead of tapping the LEGO minifigures on the gamepad? Is that how Skylanders works too?

Dude... talking out of school about your employer in a way that publicly identifies yourself (especially when you are not authorized to do so) is a GUARANTEED way to get canned. And that’s with a normal company, not to mention one as controlling as Nintendo. Best of luck to you :(

Hey, when you add his blue power glow, he looks a lot more like the comic version!

Lol yeah that must be intentional

Comics version Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch are currently available in a wave that was released about a month ago (though while Hawkeye is plentiful, Scarlet Witch is very hard to find due to her popularity).

Perhaps after the death of his wife, Hydra turned Gonzales? And in the midst of the chaos on Hydra Day, and finding himself grievously wounded, Gonzales decided to go back under cover in order to survive?

So it’s not Terry, none of his friends, no old-man-Bruce-as-Oracle, no Justice League Beyond, probably no Commissioner [Barbara] Gordon. So aside from the costume, how is this Batman Beyond?