
The very fact you think there is such a thing as 'feminism class' proves you are an idiot.

Yeah you really don't know anything at all do you.

Maybe they should bring it up outside where people are trying to discuss female characters like I said.

Yeah you just keep telling yourself that. I'm sure that's what racists used to do too.

Another respectable female character reduced to wank bank material. Thanks a lot Kotaku.

No she's not a person. Because Peach would never dress like that.

Yeah you aren't a misogynist at all...*eye roll*

The very fact that you think I'm complaining about this out of jealousy (lol) proves you have no idea about women.

Oh great so now women can't just be skinny they have to be perfectly toned as well. Any more hoops we need to jump through for you?

Like I said bring it up outside where people are discussing female characters...

Oh look the oldest misogynist comment in the book.

1. I think Peach is a cool character and I can still think that even if I don't like the damsel in distress bullshit. Luckily Nintendo see that and she's a playable character now. Your comment just smacks of the black and white mentality that some guys seem to have 'How can you like computer games but also complain

hahahahahaha no.

Once something is for adults, women have to be hypersexualised and not be considered people in their own right.

I think maybe you overestimate a female gamers desire to be 'eye candy'. Personally I want to feel heroic and smart and brave when I play a game not like an objectified idiot with jiggle physics and pvc.

I think maybe in a visual media how you are posed and act has a big impact on how that character is taken. If a female character is flirting with the viewer by doing a coquettish pose or whatever then think of how that viewer feels if they are a straight female. In the example of comics I want to read a comic not read

Funny that we never hear anyone complaining about it anywhere else than where people are trying to discuss female characters though.

When a woman is portrayed sexually my brain immediately assumes that males will have less respect for her as a character.

Borderlands 2, Valdis Story AC, and I did a rerun of Arkham Asylum. I've also been playing the ESO beta this weekend.

Perhaps you should bring it up outside where people are trying to have a discussion about female characters then. Because you never see that.