
They aren't trying to discuss it as a problem though they are saying that somehow massive violent thugs make the fanservice equal and so we have no right to complain.

A guy called Jon Paul does most of them you can look up his website.

Of course there are women who find muscular men appealing but saying that they are designed with the same intentions is just false.

Yes it is deformed anatomy doesn't work that way.

Not necessarily those covers are pretty generic. Some of the time they have little to do with the content. Similar to comic books.

painfully deformed?

We get a single anime with fanservice. Clearly equality is here -.-

You make me want to tell your poor girlfriend to run like hell.

I wonder if that's the excuse people used for racism in media too.

A man designed that cover he is called Jon Paul.

See I like Ninja Gaiden gameplay wise but the character Rachel makes me want to vomit.

The majority of those covers were designed by men...

It's more that any discussion about stopping the problem of sexualised female characters is derailed by people shouting 'But what about the poor men!' Oh shit I didn't realise you were upset about being catered to 90% of the time silly me for wanting to talk about women's issues instead.

So you agree then, it's designed for men not women...Because that's the male belief not the female one.

I really like these games but since there is bound to be a camping asshat on every server who is just out to ruin everyone's fun there's no point in playing them.

I didn't say they consciously think it. But you are making out like male characters are designed with female admiration in mind which is rubbish.

They really aren't, they are designed to appeal to men as a power fantasy. Gaming executives don't even think of what women would like.

Women are 46% of gamers, stop making up statistics. -source entertainment software association.

It annoys me that they have taken a cartoon which is empowering for young women and decided that it should be for men now they have grown up. Thanks a lot for appropriating our childhood memories. Is 'hot' all you can think of to describe them? Not brave or heroic or anything, hot.

I like that way better.