
I’ve commented on this on twitter but I’ll say it here too. Due to my autism I find it hard to switch between playstyles, my playing a fire mage on wow in this tier is testament to that. Symmetra, ironically, is canonically autistic. The fact that the very people she represents could fall foul to these types of bans

Yep same, it was awesome.

I don’t rage myself I have eerie patience, but my now ex boyfriend once threw a controller really hard at my face when I managed to pull of Nina’s 10 hit combo in Tekken 3.

*Tries desperately to make her dragon Age character unique*

More like people didn't read the tactics. It's not a walkthrough. A lot of the time it's literally just a sentence. 'Don't stand in <effect>, kill add' for example. As for saying people 'suck as a group' that tells me that you just expect people to carry you and don't think you have to make an effort yourself.

More like frustrated at people who are terrible at the game and inflict it on other people.

It really doesn't what takes the fun out of it is lazy people who won't read like two lines of text to know what they are expected to do and then cause your guild to wipe all night.

Even if you know the tactics to a boss you still have to carry out those tactics.

The point in high fashion shows is colour, shape and texture. This then translates to 'normal' clothing. Personally I don't like this guys work as is but he has chosen solid primary colours, circles and plastic materials like faux leather. This trend would appear in normal clothing shops as a red faux leather jacket

This hit me really hard, harder than I thought it would.

dat wink :p

Couldn't agree more, one of the most fun games I've ever played with a great storyline.

Yoshi's Island is a perfect game. There is nothing bad about it. Great art style, graphics, gameplay and 'game feel'.

The design of the areas and how they are fit around the tools that Link gets is amazing.

So whoever made this didn't think of calling him Rickey?

This reminds me of the time an acquaintance said a game I had mentioned had 'sloppy' graphics.

I wouldn't buy it at all for £50, if I buy it in a steam sale that's money they wouldn't have had otherwise.

Are they allergic to different body types?

Does it have enemies? Because I think I will have an easy time if not.