
Ah, yes. The Benediction quest for priests was very very good. I am happy and proud to have done it legit when it was relevant.

Batman is one of those comics where the hero is basically a villain and the villains are sympathetic. Harley Quinn is the best example because her story is so tragic. She's been abused, brainwashed, she basically has severe Stockholm Syndrome, her relationship with the Joker is seriously unhealthy and often not funny.

Now, you do know that while "The Real Ghostbusters" had Western character designs, scripts, storyboards, BGM etc., the actual animation was Japanese, right? And so were about half of the sound effects. This incidentally goes far in explaining its high pedigree.

"The way it's mean to be played" That statement is bullshit, no offence.

Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2

They were probably too busy being movie stars to be hardcore WOW players. I am sure they regret it and wish they had dedicated more time to raiding.

I always found myself oddly entranced by the loading screens in DAII. The art direction really shined there, since the rest of the rushed game couldn't live up to that same promise. Anytime someone mentions loading screens, my mind jumps to this game.

Great story, great combat, beautifully drawn backgrounds, great acting (Irenicus), and terrific continued support from a loving modding community.

Final Fantasy 6

Skies of Arcadia. It's literally the only reason I still have my Dreamcast.

Name of Game: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Only 1? Since most people will go with Zelda: OoT and Shadow of the Colossus. I'm going with Skies of Arcadia. That game to me was just perfect. The story and the world building were great, the battles were fun but the best part of the game was the Air ship battles. I just wish that Sega would give us a sequel.

Super Metroid
Majora's Mask
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario World
Paper Mario
A Link Between Worlds
Metroid Prime
Shadow Complex
Uncharted 2
Hotel Dusk
Professor Layton 3
MGS: Snake Eater
Pokemon Soul Silver
Wind Waker HD
DK: Tropical Freeze
Pikmin 1&3
Zach and Wiki
Resident Evil remake and 2
Final Fantasy VI&X
Dragon Quest V, VIII and

Hasn't aged well at all. Not as timeless as it used to be. LttP was by far superior. Always been more partial to MM myself.

Game: Portal

In my humble opinion, this is still the best soccer game ever made.

Ok $5-$15 on AAA games in a Steam sale is not "pennies", though it is a significant discount. Also, people who wait for the sales are not acting entitled, are not spoiled they are just responsible consumers who know what their budgets will allow. Not everyone can or will buy games at the same price point so you start

I'll get it for 7.99 during the Steam Holiday sale.

Okay, the robot is cool and all that, but who is this sexy beast?

...I'd play this.