
'but looking sexy and striking a pose is something I've seen in super hero comics for so long now that it's just normal to me.'

You are a stronger man than I, I have a big backlog on steam and also demon souls waiting for me to play it.

I wouldn't be bothered as long as I had some books or something. I don't think I could stare at a wall for a week...

they are showing disrespect by making them pose stupidly in the middle of fights for the benefit of guys.

Stop it internet you are killing me :(

Or they could just have the same respect for female characters as they do for male ones?

Dude I fucking love RPG's it would be a glorious happy day for me if I could stomach it. I just found the first one so...I guess depressing might be a word... I just couldn't do it. It felt like a straight male teenager had written some self insert fanfiction, which is fine in fanfiction but not in a triple A game...

So according to you my choice is A) put up with it or B) fuck off.

I guess I could wait until one of my friends who I have on steam family have it.

Fez is an amazing game, It's a shame there has been so much bad blood over it.

Sorry, I understand what you are getting at, but I'm just not convinced that the issue is fixed.

They have a point, I would love to own this but I just in no way have this sort of money. It's just too pricey.

No but all the women being there and changing their personalities so Gary-Stu Geralt can sleep with them as a reward isn't exactly a very positive example of relationships is it?

How 'digital women' are portrayed effects real women but if that's the level you approach this discussion at then there's not much to say to you.

Well this makes the game Chulip make a lot more sense. Poor people though, something needs to be done to help them. It must be hard to get them charity from the West though :(

I would totally 100% read this comic. A nutter in a bin bag takes down Gotham's worst criminals. Magical.

I think gta 5 is a game that appeals to the lowest common denominator it's like the McDonalds of games. I think Bioshock Infinite or TLOU was much more deserving or indeed most of the games on the 3DS.

I haven't played it but most of the pictures I've seen of the women in it have their cleavage hanging out for no reason or are completely naked.

Because 'lol collect cards of your sexual conquests' objectifies and demeans women. It's crazy why I even have to explain this to you.

Notice how rather than dispute my point, which you couldn't, you started nit picking my post. My point was that racism wouldn't be accepted and shrugged off so why is sexism.