
Racism is the same as sexism. The sooner people realise that the better.

I'm not crying, I'm saying it in a very angry and stern tone.

looks really cool, what platforms is it for?

Exactly the reason I don't play the Witcher games, I don't want those sexist assholes to have any more of my money.

Am I dreaming? This is weird, but cool.

Quantum Break sounds like a hot drink for physicists.

It's even more annoying when they are like 18 years old and just play Call of Duty...

He's a hippy :p

I'm cool with this they have a done a great job with Marvel.


Then they should stop drawing her like her primary function is for men to ogle. I have no problem with her outfit I just want them to stop posing mainstream superheroines like they are cheesecake all of the time. It's quite possible, just look at Batman TAS or the Justice League cartoon. Same outfits, no

Skies of Arcadia man that game was so perfect.

I love the game but jesus Squall is hard work.

Feminists celebrate sexuality, just look at any conversation about rape and you will see the opposite of slut shaming and negative comments about clothes, being attractive is not the same as male gaze and objectification. Take say Asami out of Legend of Korra. Is she attractive? Yes. Is she objectified? Fuck no it's a

I think he maybe did, he was a driving instructor back then and self employed so he must have worked his ass off. I wasn't even an only child, my sister got some really nice barbies too.

It's like some horrible disease that artists have, no matter how creative their other work, the boobs and fucking butt.

Yeah they got passed down to my cousins and as far as I know they are still in top condition.

I had all the he-man toys I have no idea where my dad got the money, we weren't exactly rich.

I found my sisters mermaid pony thing in my house and gave it to my niece, she loved it.

You should try some reaction games or slow your cursor down. A slower cursor sounds counterproductive I know but it actually makes you more accurate.