
Amazon has been picking up some of those abandoned malls for a song and creating an army of warehouse lemmings of all of the poor saps living in those dense apartment buildings -- all thanks to genius zoning laws that make it all but impossible to convert a commercial use zone into anything else.

Of course, you can get a single family home with a moat to block “people” in a mixed-use dense area with multiple options for public transportation.

Whomever it is, the fossil fuel industry is the one laughing while swimming in their riches. Anything that provides confusion to consumers considering an EV is a win in their book. The icing is that vast majority of the hydrogen generated is still sourced from their sweet sweet dino juice.

I’m definitely aging myself here but this will always be top on my list.

I do not fully understand this article.

‘merica likes our dirty diesel broken-down rail network to barely support our diesel broken-down trucking network, thank you very much.

Energy use is higher at highway speeds due to the force necessary to move the air out of the way of the vehicle. The faster you drive the less efficient your energy use becomes - regardless of if you are using ICE or EV. Limit all vehicles to 45 MPH and you would instantly reduce energy use by more than a third.

So, all you have to do to fix this problem is buy a new Hyundai.

Not every white woman using a cell phone is named Karen. And even a “Karen” is not responsible for how another person uses their weapon - especially those that have been trained how to use them.

Yup - came here to comment the same thing: This appears to be mostly inaccurate. Oregon and Washington ones are just flat-out wrong with Kroger (via Fred Meyer) dominating both states.

Canada doesn’t count. They can’t even spell “harbor” right.

My understanding is the things holding back hydrogen is how it is generated (overwhelmingly from fossil fuels), transporting it (typically done through ammonia), and availability. Efficiency (FWIW: that is not the ideal word in this context since hydrogen fuel cells have always been far more “efficient” than the

“... Capitalism is King in the US, except for cars ...”

They can always delay implementation if the tech doesn’t get there in time. Nothing wrong with setting the goal post and seeing if we can meet it because, if we are being honest, we won’t meet it without someone setting the goal post.

I’ll be starting my bottle water company soon up here in Alaska, how does “Alaska Glaciers Natural Bottle Water” sound to you?

I’m going to focus, for a brief moment, on the good news that we can make a positive change (environmentally) to driving habits in the United States with something as simple as charging more for dino juice.

Auto insurance, over the past 35 years, has raised, on average, 5% annually.

Can they recall tires on the moon?

Not according to Texas.