
Oh, don’t worry. These changes will not overwrite the core Windows advantages of having 5 million viruses (according to Symantec) with Chrome OS’s zero. Windows updates will still take at least a half an hour of your time applying every month versus the “background” process that takes no time on Chrome OS.

RDP from your Chromebook to a Windows / XenDesktop / AWS / DaaS system and you will get your wish.

There is a reason Tesla (and most EV cars today) does not have grilles on their cars. It is not adequate for cooling a huge set of batteries because the batteries are not all sitting in front of the grille (that would be a very unbalanced vehicle if they were) and, even if they were, the ambient air temperature is not

Okay, I recognize I am an idiot for asking this, but this is an EV right? So, what is with the grille? And why the huge hood? Sure, it is a beautiful design, but it looks very ICE-like to me. But, I’m certain I misunderstand something here.

The Del Sol should definitely get more love. It had a reputation as a “girl car” (whatever that means) when new which may have injured sales even more than a two seater would have typically been saddled with - but it was a fantastic little car. Unfortunately, they are very rare and the few examples I see today are

I’ll be the one with the extremely unpopular but environmentally correct answer:

All great points. Unfortunately these discussions get complicated very quickly when getting into the details, which is why I’m always good with someone just saying “f-it, I just want it easy and sounding good”.

It might not be your hearing. If you are using Bluetooth headphones then lossless is likely a waste to you.

Aw, Poop.

No wait. Really? So, if I can find an Artura owner to race my Fit for pinks with both cars in reverse, I might actually win?

You were commenting on a comment that was focusing on America (“a modern EV will cover 90% of the needs of 90% of Americans right now without a charging network”) on an article written by an American on an American website giving an American perspective. But, if you want to name a different country than the points of

An imagined quote from the early twentieth century: “America should never adopt these horseless carriages because the roads are not built to accommodate those smoky noisy things and there is no place to fuel and maintain them.”

I was hoping at the end that the car was going to crash — Wynona’s intestines getting shish kabobed by scissor boy and everything - ending with message written in blood about how you still needs hands to drive even in the best autonomous vehicles.

  • The “unity” that is needed is on facts so we can all start talking to each other in a common language again.

Turning off the stereo will not make any noticeable difference. The heater, on the other hand (and air conditioner) pull a considerable amount of electrons and will definitely reduce the range. On our 2014 Leaf will lose a third of the range with heater/air conditioner running. And, yes, anything about 45 MPH will

Hey, if we are still clicking a floppy disk icon to “save” things, I think Microsoft should use the check engine icon with the BSOD.

Another natural disaster on the electrical side (to show it happens to both) are the fires always happening in California where PG&E does rolling blackouts so they can shut down lines near impacted areas. Different disasters impact power usage (petrol, NG, electricity, solar, wind, nuclear, hydro) in different ways.