
2014 -- I’m not certain if Nissan did a major battery change between that period of time. Possibly. I know they had major issues with the EVs in Arizona due to heat killing off the batteries.

Wow - that is an enormous loss of miles. Our nearly identical Leaf has more miles than that and has not lost a mile of range. We live in sort of the ideal EV location (Seattle) and this shows how much climate can impact the battery life on these older EVs.

Sony taught me long ago to never purchase their game system until Gran Turismo has been released. But the sub-par PS4 version’s campaign mode taught me another lesson: Wait for the reviews. Had I known, I likely would never have purchased a PS4 since I still spend most of my time on the two PS3 versions.

Great points. Yes - EV’s are becoming the better choice for more people with each passing day, but that population size is still barely in the double digits. The problems:

Most hydrogen continues to be sourced from fossil fuels and, as such, is not environmentally friendly. Yes, it can be made from electrolysis but that is an overwhelmingly less efficient way to power a vehicle than using batteries — all to overcome range anxiety, which is a problem that is quickly being eclipsed by

I love the idea, Honda, and I know Asimo needs something to do in retirement, but what if more than one of us need to go somewhere at the same time?

Now playing

Worthless tangent: That reminds me of the 1950's tests of using nuclear fission explosions to launch rockets. Cannot imagine why that didn’t mutate into something positive.

Yeah, dawg. Bezos is one sick puppy.

I managed a Software Etc. for 5 years during the Sega Genesis / SNES (TG16, NeoGeo) days and you are giving the average consumer way too much credit. I have no doubt that 99% of them will stumble to the right answer, but the naming scheme is definitely a problem.

The gaming world has not seen confusion like this since the Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn mess. How did that work out for Sega, again?

It would be helpful to update this post with information on how someone could determine if their information was compromised and/or more information to narrow the impacted pool.

Your point is valid. The experts are still figuring out exactly how this virus spreads, so the best advice for everyone is caution. If you have a dental emergency - then go. If you don’t - then don’t.

Technically, there is no formal definition of an economic depression because they are so unusual. They all seem to site severe GDP losses and extremely high unemployment, but some also mention the duration.

Don’t forget to pre-order your K&N replacement blades that will increase your performance by 12%, boosting thrust to almost 37 pounds! Worth every penny.

Good article - thank you.

Let me introduce you to the flying whale:

impractical (def): not adapted for use or action; not sensible or realistic

Diesel cars are not horrible (ignoring particulate emissions), but they are impractical in the United States. The fuel economy can be bested by a hybrid if that is the primary concern. But diesel passenger cars are (arguably) worse than any EV when you cannot fuel it at home and there are limited options on the road.

109. Not that I’m counting.