
from a student of Information Science perspective, on the surface it seemed the museum is based on the Flaneur model but where it obviously fails is the complete lack of data available to the visitor apart from who donated and when (except for the art section, strangely?)

Feels Good man.jpg

Sure we got Spider-Man, but we lost HULK D: I'm not sure I'm willing to pay that price.

A new Neverending Story movie wouldn't be a remake though, it would just be another adaptation of the original BOOKS

laugh all you want, but Mercedes is now the official Mario car. Meaning fans will probably get one just because of that - smart move on the part of Mercedes.

Man the hub in the second video is a giant mess. There's just too much stuff going on, on the screen. o_o

Okay now I am REALLY curious about the plot to this game

I don't know if you've noticed, but Japan isn't exactly the most globalized country, in fact I'd almost claim they're the complete opposite.

International companies purchasing Japanese companies is a strongly discouraged prospect culturally, in fact I believe it used to be flat out illegal

Wasted three god damn motherboards over the years because I clumsily bent the little pins where the CPU goes. I keep telling myself I'm done with self-built - then I go by that shop that has parts. D:

The trailers for Metal Gear Solid V, prove once again that Hideo Kojima is a master at portraying a wider and more complex view of human nature combined with breathtaking action sequences. A daring and bold move from one of the founders of the future of technology. With Metal Gear Solid V, Hideo Kojima has created the

They stabbed someone no less than 19 times dude

Oh hey, a proper representation of the size of Fenris. Awesome.

You might be right, Apple burned their fingers in the gaming industry before with the Pippin but on the other hand it might establish some goodwill among the eSports community

Well, it's true that Google changes often but at the very least I find youtube's layouts to have more user-friendlyness than Twitch

If this becomes Percy Jackson with giant monsters I might just punch somebody.

My good friend, America and Denmark are like international drinking buddies on that front.

And even then, Møns klint is mostly just chalk. We have a lot of chalk here. We just don't chalk about it much *cough cough* I'll show myself out

So the game boy is exactly one year older than me o.o

First thing I thought when I saw this picture was "Live-action Springfield"