
"This isn't a survey corps uniform, where's the cape?"

4 player co op Sonic? Welp. Better than bringing back the Sonic Heroes gameplay

Aaw, he ended up not doing it? The cool thing to do would be to just go through with it with a bit of self-awareness and collecting the paycheck

Nintendo needs to make their new group of consumers aware that the Wii U is in fact a different console from the Wii. I think I've had to explain that it's a different console to every single small-children family I know. Then again, this might just be my Scandinavia talking, but I have yet to see a single Nintendo TV

Easier explanation: The Iron Man Suit doesn't have a flipping gatling gun mounted on it's shoulder

I wonder how many people that ACTUALLY OWN A WII U will complain on this article. Personally, I think this is really just a result of Warner Bros. being Warner Bros.. They've always taken the cheapest way out. I mean look at their, or should I say lack of their, Superhero movie lineup. They can't even give Superman a

SOMEONE was not supposed to be there. :b

oh okay, my bad

In the case of Rare:

Starfox Adventures -> Grabbed by the Ghoulies -> BANJO-KAZOOIE NUTS AND BOLTS. The last game I heard they made was Kinect Sports.

Also, I'm pretty sure there's a GTA exclusive for the Nintendo DS.

Why would they need to emulate it tho? The periphiral would actually just be a 3DS, just like a Super Game Boy is just a Game Boy (no seriously, there's an entire Game Boy in there O.o).

The Game & Watch games?

So no Kirby adds

The phone game market is HUGE in Japan. They have an entirely different App culture over there. Those flip-phones they always show in anime? Yeah that's because buttons work better for gaming. These things are just as powerful as a Smartphone, just without the gimmick of touchscreens.

Nintendo! YO NINTENDO. You know what else helps marketing? Cartoons. But not what you did in the old days, well made cartoons like your new best-buddies over at SEGA has done for years. Okay so Mario may not be the best case scenario for a cartoon. But hey, you have a well-established fantasy franchise that just so

There's no way, just no fucking way, that a company like Nintendo that has been around since the 1800's (albeit they made playing cards back then) would back down to Sony and Microsoft. It has nothing to do with quality of product, or even money. It's just deeply grounded in the culture and tradition of Japan.

4 of these are cross releases. So it's gonna be like with the PS3 then, great then I can wait at least two years for the good titles to come out.

Great, now ackknowledge the existence of the Holiday special and the Ewokk movies and release them on the boxset alongside the others

A lot of the missing sales are from casual families not realizing that the Wii and Wii U are two completely different entities - But (at least with the people I have spoken) a surprising amount of weight is put on the movie-format thing. Really, to a lot of my friends their first DVD player was the PS2 and their first

Nintendo, here's an idea: Make a peripheral for the Wii U that makes it possible to play DS titles, just like back when you did the same for the Gameboy and the SNES through the Gamecube. Heck, the thing already has two screens and touch screen capabilities, a port of several of your best selling titles wouldn't even

F yeah Denver the Last Dinosaur, had the most rocking intro theme of my childhood