Mommet Coddler

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

This week has been full of bullshit from humanity, including have to school a dad in front of his kid (chaperoning a school trip) about why you don’t just randomly yell ‘you’re hot!’ at women in the street. Add in this ass hat and this is essentially where I’m at.

Probably that his son is a psychopath.

Right click view page source reveals this!

My body is ready....

I had the same reaction when they started highlighting the Armenian genocide.

I gotta say, up until Caitlyn’s transition started being a news story, I thought that the Kardashians were pointless, useless, and a huge waste of airtime. At this point, though, if even one trans kid has gained a lift, if the movement for trans rights has been pushed forward even a little bit, that's awesome. That

For everyone commenting with anecdotes about their Hapa friends/relatives/dog walkers/random persons: NOT THE FUCKING POINT.


Couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it.

I guess they got their kicks below the waistline.

“Please explain comedy to me.”

Yaaaaaaaassss. I’m so here for this new crop of teen and YA black celebs getting all up in their afro-futurist feels and daring to be weird in public. There’s room for that and I am SO EXCITED to see what kind of work they’ll be putting out into the world as they get older.

Though, humility aside, it would be criminal of me not to include this GIF as well:

Okay, first off, Mommet, we all know that William Sonoma is the premiere manufacturer of the finest in quality, multi-use scepters. Sometimes, royalty needs to just clean a gutter, or fend off a hobo, or gut a pumpkin, and the scepter is all they have on hand. And as we all know, the Swifticus Taylordia does have an

The Queen will not be phased!

Silence. The Swift heals all with her magic, and wonder. Feast your eyes.

I hate this guy for smoking and driving, actually I hate him for wearing a Barcelona jersery with “Tacoma” on the back. But seriously don’t ruin recreational drug use for us by being irresponsible.

I’ve never had them fried, but I have eaten pan-sauteed brussels sprouts and enjoyed them. They are also good oven-roasted.