I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
How come librarians are cool and libertines are fun, but libertarians are neither cool nor fun? Discuss.
I'd be interested to hear the stats on those who claim to be libertarians but are really just conservatives who don't want to be labeled such because they know it's despicable. I'm thinking of a friend of mine.
Congratulations: you just became the 2016 GOP frontrunner.
I get the impression that most people here don't like Jeb.
I pray that some day "How is babby formed?" will not make me laugh but until that day, LOL.
So spite hummus then? I bet Protest hummus must taste better than regular hummus.
No! He was not at all a dick, or stupid. I think he was and is and will continue to be wrong, but I didn't at any point catch myself wanting to jump through a plate glass window. Nice kid.
your and anna's tweets about this give me life. these twitter questions also give me life. i am very alive. thanks cpac.
You're quite right. Well spotted.
My guests were, uh, all old enough to have seen those movies when they were new. But a sleepover is a great plan for a mixed-age group.
Does she actually want a bachelorette party? I also don't like drawing attention to myself and a couple of my friends tried to insist that I needed a party. I pretty firmly shut it down. I would've probably died of embarrassment after about 12 seconds. The movies idea sounds sooo much more up my alley. I would've been…
The graphics department is fucking KILLING IT lately. Wow!
Before my non-wedding, I had a bunch of my friends over for an adult sleepover. We giggled and watched Labyrinth and Princess Bride and The Last Unicorn.
I haven't even read the article yet. I just needed to say IMMEDIATELY how much I love the graphic. Tara is awesome.
"I've christened your dead baby Pol Pot! At least a million Cambodians thank you for aborting him, that they may now live!"
Someone should join them and start christening all the fetus' Adolf, Mussolini, Attila, etc.
can't believe I wrote all those extra words