::dry heaves because of her hysterical crying::
::dry heaves because of her hysterical crying::
Same thing happened to my friend too. I hadn't thought of the organ donation though. What a wonderful thought if she could have delivered a stillborn. awww...horribly sad for everyone either way.
I am so sorry she had to go through that.
"When he's not representing his district, Kurcaba is a financial consultant — not a doctor, a psychologist, or a person capable of ever getting pregnant. "
He either stopped using twitter or deleted everything recent. He did retweet this in June, "We're handing out Man Cards for Father's Day tomorrow. If you're wearing skinny jeans, we'll just take it right back," which is like saying, "I pretty much suck." Apparently that wasn't good enough for Brian. Brian wanted us to…
I'm so fucking over hearing about beautiful babies. I'm tired of people using babies as a silver lining to dismiss a traumatic event. I'm tired of the emotional manipulation to convince people that terminating pregnancy is tantamount to KILLING A BABY.
I know all you guys already know this, but it bears repeating. the vast majority of terminations that take place after 20 weeks are due to severe medical issues. Most women aren't just fucking around for 5 months making up their minds. The anatomy scan ultrasound that can determine whether the fetus is healthy, or…
To be honest, I actually prefer the anti-choice people who are just flat-out opposed to all abortion. At least these people can pretend to sincerely believe that abortion is straight-up murder and have a justifiable excuse (in their minds) for opposing abortion. Everyone else who is okay with what they ostensibly…
wow. these men really do not like women.
Huge fan over here so I have no objectivity. Lady changed my life entirely and I still see her at least twice every time she is on tour, even though she made a couple of spectacularly bad albums.
This April, Tori Amos—patron saint of '90s female self-actualization—is reissuing Little Earthquakes and Under the…
"...they just furtively re-decorate their offices and turn oxygen into carbon dioxide."
this is literally jesus punishing you for talkin shit about chris evans
Thanks for giving away the Terminator: Genysis plot.
I <3 "try-hard" as an insult.
Clearly Skynet has gone live... and is promoting the Homosexual Agenda!
I could think of seeing something far more offensive on television: