Heck Yeah!
Tina Belcher would approve this post, and save it to incorporate into her erotic friend fiction.
I think you mean Schrödinger's scat, ;)
I have learned a valuable life lesson!
What a wonderful and hilarious obit. I can read between the lines and see the big FUCK YOU to the cruel disease that took this young man's life away. I'm sorry I only came to this after the fact, but thank you for passing this story on, Burt. Incredibly touching.
She writes beautifully. This is the entry that got me full on sobbing:
Thank you for writing this Rebecca. Purm was also a badass feminist and loved Jezebel.
Are you saying it's Schrödinger's Poop?
I bought nothing on Black Friday. Actually, I haven't bought anything since last weekend when I went grocery shopping and ordered a couple things off Amazon.
I asked him what happened when we got out of the elevator. He told me he was terrified because security was there.
I don't know what "wet work" means but it sounds like a hit. No, as much as I hate her, I don't want her dead. My kids have a close relationship with her. She is wonderful to them. I can take the abuse, but it sure does hurt. When you come after my sister though, that's when I see red. Prepare for impact.
Last night I wish somebody stabbed me. My mother in law said: "I consider myself a progressive but why can't lesbians dress better? They aren't doing themselves any favors by trying to look like men. They should look more feminine and who knows, maybe they will catch the eye of a man and become straight. Isn't…
The significant others of awful people tend to have a fair few problems of their own, I suspect. You end up with a lot of relationships where terrible people are dating other terrible people. I may be desperately single but there are a whole heck of a lot of people I'm glad I'm not dating.
what the video doesn't show is that she sings it over and over...for 9 hours.
I bet he was doing more than just washing his chicken in the shower.
It's for the website, Naughty Hens. They sign releases and everything.
Americans don't have twisties? You poor bastards.
Sick burn indeed.