Mommet Coddler

Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.

Illuminati. #behnghaszziiii


They're in the notorious Buddy Christ gang.

RDJ flashing gang signs

Nekima Levy-Pounds, a law professor and columnist, calls the Pointergate story "appalling" and theorized that the police are angry with the mayor over her support for a body camera pilot program in the department.

(replying to you so Mr. Sasha didn't get any love but... )


Get. A. Room.

If I paid for a product, I damn well expect to get said product when it comes out. And in lieu of said product, I expect a refund. That's not entitlement, that's BUSINESS.

if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.

it's nice to finally see a horrible story have a good ending.

What the fuck Wisconsin. You have had two chances to oust this douche. Two!

Um, actually it's not about his penis. It's about ethics in journalism.

"I better hurry and tell all the ladies in the world what my penis thinks of them, so they can base their self-worth around it! You're welcome, ladies."