*continues head desking for all of eternity*
*continues head desking for all of eternity*
I went to one wedding invitation place (I just happened to wander in) and little did I know that it was Miss Holier Than Though (although she probably changed her name when she was married). She proceeded to tell me that everything I was doing was wrong and how she HOPED that my mother would be using calligraphy on…
To all those vendors:
I can see me getting "Retail Wage Slave" tattooed on my head. Mind you I still think that could make a great punk band name. Hmm.
What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.
Sometimes kids don’t want a new sibling because they want all of their parents’ attention and others … they think…
I could never have lived with myself hiding it expressly to take money from my parents. And mine behaved worse than his when I came out.
Here is what I don't understand:
He's a "sugar daddy" if you don't marry him. If you marry him, he's a "good catch."
The New York Princeton University alumni listserve got some hot Princeton Mom action Thursday, after an alum of…
THIS. ALL OF THIS. Yes. You literally get it from both fucking sides. "How dare you not speak up" or "But why did you speak up?" Fuck. That. Noise.
Same-sex, inter-species...
So, just sit there and take it, then? Because any man could react like this. "Just sit there and take it" is not a solution.
Do you realize that when I've been groped and assaulted, or harassed and catcalled, I've been told after the fact that I should have used my words and stood up for myself? That I should have "just kicked him in the balls" since that is supposedly the magical remedy for manly assault?
We cannot win. We are either too…
And the thing is, I have heard both. "Why don't you stand up for yourself?? Stop being such a victim!!" Or "Oh, well, why did you make a big deal out of it? You just antagonized him."
It irks me as well. I was assaulted by a man that tried to rape me and I bit his face and then his tongue off. He was so horrified and his shouts were so satisfying that I have the event recorded in my mind in detail. I go to therapy because I supposedly have ptsd even though I was the victor in the event. I ran this…
Don't fuck with Retta OR Donna Meagle.
I wish the people trying to "help" us by perpetuating this attitude that maybe these things could be avoided if we made different choices would just shut the fuck up and take responsibility of how much they are a part of this goddamn problem.
To those who think maybe it would have been better if she had done nothing: at what point is a woman allowed to assert ownership for her own body?
As we head into the fall, you're probably wondering how to hold on to that tan you've accrued over the summer…