Mommet Coddler

Is that the worst thing though? Definitely many if not most marriages end in divorce, but that doesn't mean that those were bad marriages or a waste of time. I grew apart from my ex-husband and learned a lot of bad things about him ultimately, but we both grew as people, learned things about life and made an awesome

Just FYI: Not everyone who went to or goes to BYU is a Mormon.

I am so sorry for what happened to you. My ex-Mormon friends had awful experiences with shaming too, but this is truly horrific.

It certainly reads just like porn magazines that I've seen, to a disturbing degree. Disturbing if it was really intending to be a teen magazine, that is.

That gives me a sad. :(

Denver, represent!

I think being poor at math is a good reason to just straight up tip 20%. It's so easy: $1 for every $5 on your bill. Or $2 for every $10, if that's easier. If my bill is $25, that's a $5 tip. If the bill is $27.48, the tip is $6. Easy. Minimum tip should be $2 for the use of the table though.

That is definitely doctor time. That has to be a challenging relationship dynamic to navigate. I can't imagine being married to someone whose beliefs are dangerous in that way.

My pleasure. I'm planning to try to replicate some of those embroidered bugs because they are just too awesome.

I would love to touch Daenerys Targaryen's actual outfit (though it wouldn't fit me). I've seen the detail work that the costumers do on that show and it is amazeballs.

That's where the "no harm to others" part comes in. But I think 2-year-olds can have a placebo response. Haven't you ever kissed a booboo better?

Absolutely, if your alternative treatment works for you and does no harm to yourself or others, do it. For instance, I don't think that homeopathy is anything more than magic water, but I also think that if you can activate a placebo response, good on you. That is a valid method of treating yourself and there are no

Because our culture has long demeaned "girl stuff." If a girl is too interested in your stuff and does your stuff better, it's in danger of becoming girl stuff. I'm a woman, and as a girl I shunned girl stuff because it was culturally inferior. It wasn't until I was much older that I was able to embrace my love of

My son got interventions starting at 2 years but was still scoring below the 1st percentile on standardized tests at 5 years old. Now at 11 with lots of specialized attention in school he's between the 50th and the 80th percentile in most of his academics, though he still has some social and communication gaps that

Thanks! The link works just fine.

#3 is 12 years old and according to cassiebearRAWR has been debunked. I'm inclined to trust cassiebear, but it would be cool if you share what you find. I'm fairly inclined to think it's also a case of correlation rather than causation. Besides, wouldn't getting measles be worse and have the same effect anyway?

But I look light and natural without makeup. It doesn't really get any more natural than that! I know it probably seems easy to you, because you've been doing it forever. But when I put on some eyeliner it gets smeared all over my eye within minutes because I forget that I'm wearing it and rub my eye. If I put on

Some days I think maybe it's time to get on the makeup train and start wearing some. But then I see stuff like this. If these people who are constantly surrounded by pictures of themselves can't tell that they look foolish, how will I know if I look foolish? Also, makeup is expensive and I would rather spend my money

1. Correlative, not causative
2. Anecdotal
3. Interesting, substantive possibilities, but tiny sample size. MMR is a possibility, but not all vaccines.
4. Unrelated to autism

You and me both, sister.