
God forbid that a car site actually celebrate unique cars, which (hint, hint) actually requires someone to pay for them. Why are you even here?

looking at the super low resale values of kinda newish mirais, looks like we finally know where to send these things. 

The headline is needlessly clickbaity, but you gotta admire Ukrainian creativity and ingenuity.

To Russia with love.

Yeeeaaah... it may be a “hydrogen bomb” but it’s not a hydrogen bomb....

Oh Mirai. You are making those Hilux’s proud!

“Other brands outside America is building Hyper-Luxury vans that the American mind cannot comprehend”

Ultraluxury vans?? Oh that thing that Japan has been doing for a few decades now? How... inspired.

i WisH I cOuLd undErSTaNd ThIs BuT  i”M jUsT StoOP1d aMerCaN

But I would give in to my OCD and do a full re-spray of the entire car. Maybe a little PDR.

They will be marked up to $300k easy.

More than you can afford, pal.

“More than you can afford pal. A Corvette in 2025.

Ferrari removing an F40 that they sold from their official registry because they don’t like what their customer did with the car is SO MUCH DUMBER than anything Liberty Walk did.

I don’t care for how the nose (doesn’t) blend in to the fender flares, but I like the car.  I’m generally a “Don’t do that crap, it looks stupid” kind of person, but this is literally the only time I can say the decals make the car look better.  The avalanche of white in the stock version is so, so boring.  The

A lot of people get really upset with riveted fender flares, but they forget the reason they are a product of Japan and exist to begin with.

It’s fine.

I know it’s an old Countach but it seems like a lot of Lamborghini owners aren’t the fuddy duddies that Ferrari seems to attract.

I’m not mad at them for cutting up a Countach. It’s not my jam personally, but cars are objects, possessions. Their owners can do what they want with them, illegal stuff notwithstanding. Hell, if you can get the thing up to a normal ride height, the only bodywork I have beef with is how obvious they’ve made the rivets

Countach was so outrageous to begin with, this is underwhelming. 

I haven’t read the story of Ferrari removing an F40 from their registry.  Their version of papal excommunication.