
people were asked to wire transfer $50,000 to secure their place in line for the car, or pay the full $250,000 for one of the one-thousand “Founders Edition” models...

The Common Sceptic calculated that if those people had bought Tesla stock instead of the car, they would have made around 2.3 and 4.something million dollars in the same time, depending on when they sold.

“There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Still, I’d rather have a pretty Roadster that never arrives than an ugly Cybertruck that doesn’t!

What’s also true (and it a bit funny) is that they had a program that gave someone who made a successful referral of their Model S, a 2% discount toward the Roadster. And, they didn’t cap the number of referrals. It was reported that 80 people qualified for free roadsters, and I’m assuming many others qualified for

This is kind of a bummer...I was expecting actual idiots. Like the incident at TMP in 2020. Most of these are run-of-the-mill track day mishaps born of inexperience. One common thread to pay attention to, at least, is how many people probably would have been okay if they were driving something more within their

Black and gold without the decals and light bar and she would have a good probability of winning in court. 

When will someone have the courage to stand up to the woke left’s war on Halloween? 

I saw that one too!

If we did that, the southern half of the country would float away. I saw a documentary on this subject one Saturday morning. 

yes, so we can kill him before he commits suicide this time!

Just like Elvis is believed to be dead. People see that dude all over the place. 

Wouldn’t it make more sense to try to protect the species we currently have than expend all this energy trying to resurrect one that would immediately join the critically endangered list? Just buy a teddy bear, FFS...

Is this where I trot out the “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” meme?

Elon Musk. Has to be. Dude’s driving a Tesla.

You always ask yourself “where are the police?” when stuff like this happens. In this case, they were literally driving by, while the guy was standing in the highway swinging a weapon, and they didn’t even notice.

I agree that AI shouldn’t be used to emulate the styles of existing artists or to avoid paying human artists for designs, but I don’t see this use as problematic. They’re using an AI generator here because the characteristic fucked-up way that it tends to render human subjects is artistically appropriate to the themes

I don’t even really get paddle shifters if i’m honest either. If the the transmission is already near telepathic, I just simply don’t use them unless I wanna high rev downshift to listen to the engine, then it’s cold, my fingers start to freeze up a bit lol. I would prefer a center console push up down than paddles

Apparently, Toyota decided that what they REALLY needed to implement in their EV’s is Mario Kart’s “Don’t hold the gas button until the light turns green” feature.