For sure it will rain once it’s done
Alien tech must suck
Any Volvo with a T8 badge
Almost all households in Asia with a Rolls Royce or Bentley will also have an Alphard (or two)
What’s the retail on one of those?
Hindsight is a bitch.
Because I can’t afford one.
I really like their oscillator watch. But tough to find used.
As a personal use item with no thoughts about reselling it. Great value for $$$. They don’t hold much value on the used market otherwise. (Which also makes them great used buys if you like em)
Rename to Alfa Romeo Mila. Done.
No Rubystone nor Techno Violet?
P Diddy did it
I am old enough to understand this reference
This car is going to tank in sales. It's just not sexy.
That’s just Hector with his Spoon engine
I just want a new Virtua Fighter
EVERY Alfa with a Selespeed. What a hunk a junk. It’s like a BMW SMG but much much worse.