
Personally, I prefer women protagonists these days. I just find it more interesting, as they’re often given deeper characterization than the dime-a-dozen stoic men protagonists. Plus, I play games to not be me. A woman is about as far from me as I can get.

Hindsight 20/20 and all that, but:

I really hope toyota wins out on popularizing hydrogen. Electric cars are great, I think a hydrogen could keep the ICE alive in cars.

But even if there were, it would be impossible to stop it from being published right away, especially if it’s live streamed. They would have to know well in advanced something was occurring, and I think 90% would think it would be fake anyways so not much hope of a panic.

Exactly, like sure 30+ years ago it being hard to get evidence, i.e. a photo, made sense, not everyone carried around a camera. But now, no excuse everyone has a HD or better resolution cameras in their pocket right now, and it’s not like you can’t talk on the phone AND take a picture at the same time.

2 drunk shitheads flailing around trying to fight? Sharp as Day

Yup, the same with “Bigfoot” sightings.  Total b.s. show. ridiculous. 4k, 8K, UHD, 15 types of social media but NOBODY can get an actual legit picture or capture of the vehicle and/or “aliens.”

Right like there are literally billions of people on this Earth, 90% of which likely have a cell phone, with HD or better camera, on their person damn near 24/7, but we can’t get one single decent photo, like EVER.

Aliens could have a growth physiology! They get larger as a form of protection when they feel threatened.

A million times ^^^this.  It’s nigh-impossible to not have camera within 5 seconds of reach nowadays, and so there’s no video of this b/c this is a hoax and nothing to consider.  False report charges should follow if they cared enough to write them.....

They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes.”

“excessive lateral jerk during low-speed maneuvering”

You mock now, but you’ll be wiping egg off your face while eating crow out of the other side of your mouth when the Cybertruck comes out in 2077!

VR is for porn, Paradise VR is a pretty good Strip Club simulator. I sold my headset after I finished Half-Life: Alyx. I’ll invest when they get more comfortable. 

I don’t think virtual meetings are ever going to take off as long as you have to strap something to your head. There’s a reason why the sci-fi fantasy is holographic projections and not VR headsets.

Having spent my career thus far in the public sector... government employees, even high-ranking ones, are just as capable of being batshit crazy as your Drunk Uncle rex.

Source: trust me bro

As it does AR as well I’m sure it’ll work quite well with porn.  With some...erm...attachments that connect via bluetooth some less fortunate individuals can experience things that otherwise they couldn’t and it’ll look like the people are there...

This is fun stuff. Reminds me that the Wrestling games in the early aughts had this feature and my friends and I would spend hours making characters. Making historical figures was the best, nothing like seeing Stalin choke slam Lincoln