
This Peugeot 406 coupe is from 1999 and they still look amazing today

Toyota MR2 Spyder (pre-facelift)

Slow day for car news? 

alright then, that’ll be 10 grand.

I’ve heard that Elon originally asked for a more retro production design . . . .

Toyota makes a lot of excellent points in this whitepaper. I have a PHEV (BMW X5) and it’s perfect for what I need. I don’t have to worry about the garbage charging infrastructure but I can also do my daily commute and errands on nearly all electric without having to fill up for months at a time. When the temperature

I spend $80-90/week on gas, but that’s driving a Tacoma 300ish miles/week, not really an apples to apples comparison. Even with solar that provides all the electricity I need for an EV it’s not a cost effective proposition to replace the Taco with an EV. Throw a PHEV into the equation and it makes even less sense to

My family are considering a Prius Prime at some point. Even with the outgoing generation’s lower EV range, the daily driving we do (school drop offs and commutes) would likely mean we wouldn’t need to use the gas engine at all, except (possibly) on weekends. I suspect that would translate into a decrease from my

How much are you driving that you fill up once a week for $75 per fill? My wife’s hybrid gets 400 or so miles a tank on a 10 gal tank that lasts her about a month. So around $35 a month. I drive a lot more than here and it is maybe $50 every three weeks or so in my hybrid.

Man, he must really be regretting not calling up a stunt company to ask how to do this the right away.

If this car is used in the next Fast and Furious, will it be called the VinDiesel?

Depending on skin color and wallet thickness he may just get a hand slap and probation. 

Good. This is an excellent precedent. We don’t need dipshit youtubers crashing planes and other shit to get clicks.

I hope somebody stole his seat when he got up to take a piss. 

Now that is some real Lionel Hutz lawyerin’ there.

The lawyer then drank deep from his chalice filled with the blood of the innocent, let out a maniacal cackle, swept his cape over his face and descended back into the depths of hell from whence he came.

When ‘Thank You For Smoking’ was approaching cinematic release in 2005, they advertised by printing postcards that celebrate ‘great moments in spin.’ (I still have my post card of George Bush)

The end may have been “painless” but the trip there was probably terrifying as fuck so I’d still consider it a form of suffering, also one reason why I’m unlikely to make a jury, I’m horrible at ignoring obvious things.

Put any of Boeing's upper leadership's "families" on a flight that crashes like the one in Ethiopia, and I doubt highly they will argue that they "didn't feel pain".  The fact is, the people that died would still be alive but for Boeing's negligence in constructing the MAX 737 and cutting corners to the point that a