
Possible solution:

Right? They could have stylized it more. Like Mod Racers, or Little Big Planet, Funko Pop.

Actually, it looks like all they were trying to do was copy Funko Pops. lol

So it’s shitty Fall Guys with a hub world? Lol.

I just attended an NSRA event this weekend. Close to 1000 street rods, some you wouldn’t even recognize from their original appearance. Cars have to be at least 30 years old to display. There’s some crazy engine builds in there, north of 1000hp. Basically the entire area gets overrun with street rods for the weekend

I don’t think social media and wealthy collectors choked out car culture. I think the death of sports cars in general is to blame; and secondarily, IPhones and personal electronics have become the place where people show off their cutting edge technology and personalization. Cars have become appliances.

because as a 41-year-old dad I fall squarely in the camp of “too old for this shit.”

Most of it. Or honestly, all of it.

I agree. I actually gave up on my dream car due to crazy prices brought on by collectors. I just picked up an SN95 Mustang to build as I refuse to pay the crazy premiums some enthusiast cars now command.

Why? My cousin is an accomplished rally driver. He pilots a WRX with something like 500 whp, down snakey gravel roads, at ungodly speeds. He has the reaction times of a flying squirrel on speed.

Sounds like we found one of the assholes that goes to these gatherings. And this was not the only incident. If you follow the threads on social media Wildwood people are claiming the police blotter was filled the whole weekend with accidents and other carnage. And there was at least one other incident with serious

It’s saying a lot that you chose to take a figure of speech as a literal statement. 

Gatekeeping also needs to die.

I somewhat agree. Specific subcultures are still alive, but outside of that, it’s all samesies with recent model year car builds. In forums, it usually starts off as, “I don’t plan to track my car ever, but I want 600WHP.” Then they proceed to squeeze as much power from their little engine only to blow it up and blame

You sound exactly like a “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” MAGAt.

I’m going to say “Vilifying the thing you don’t like.”

We will as soon as EV evangelists admit that EV sports cars aren’t possible, and that they are explicitly aiming for the death of sports driving.

Lol car culture is absolutely dead in general. There are still little sub-groups of people who are really into certain makes/models/styles who try to keep it going and spread knowledge, but social media, Hellcat culture, and wealthy collectors have completely choked the life out of this hobby. 

This “built not bought” shit. Don’t get me wrong, backyard skills and DIY is awesome. And everyone should learn a little maintenance knowledge at a minimum. But this notion that paying someone to do the job correctly makes you less of an enthusiast or even worse, a lesser person, needs to go away. If it’s money that

The unsactioned gathering is what draws these folks in. This guy was just the worst offender becuase he killed two people.  Please tell me what “other points of view” I should examine about having modded cars drag race in the middle of a small town with a lot of pedestrian traffic. 

That’s a big assumption there buddy....that I would support reckless driving anywhere let alone in my own community where my neighbors and friends would be at risk. Do I support people modding their own cars even if I think it looks silly? Sure. If these folks want to “unnoffically” get together in a big parking lot