
TGAC(Top Gear After Clarkson) is horrible. It has nothing to do with the hosts although the Screaming Guy does suck pretty bad. It’s more the producing and writing. I bet you could take an old script and run the Joey and Screaming Guy through it and it would be a decent show. Obviously that won’t work as we’ve seen

There was an F1 race this weekend? Between LeBron validating his entire legacy in a three-game stretch and Toyota eating it on the last lap of the 24, I’d forgotten other sports existed.

Why didn’t Rickon just run in a zigzag pattern? Whether running away from alligators or guys shooting arrows, zigzag pattern works best.

I think even the most hardcore Porsche fans felt the same way, I know I did, and I’m a huge Porsche fan as well

You could see a piece of every person in that garage die. I teared up, I can’t even imagine what it must have felt like for them.

Ive been more of a Porsche fan but this was devastating. A team that ran almost a perfect race and it dies at the last lap. I seriously hope that Toyota comes back next year and absolutely spanks them. They deserve a win, and they deserve to do it in style.

Porsche’s advertising team knows no mercy

I couldn’t believe it.

This makes me a very sad panda.

I’m in disbelief.


You shouldn’t have said that:

Congratulations, Mr. My Skoda is the most Superb, on today’s COTD! My award to you is a BMW which this lovely lady will deliver soon if she doesn’t cross the double yellow line.

So I molted, why not.

You see Hell. I see a buffet crawling towards me........

I hope Tilda Swinton and Podrick get back in time to help Jon Snow and Sansa Fierce defeat Evil Elijah Wood.

In addtion of running him down, the Mustang driver may face charges for not providing first aids to the victim.’re saying my Z looks like a Jaguar?

honestly, park this in a parking lot full of Lexus RC-Fs, toyobaru FR-86s, Nissan Zs and you would never be able to tell which one was a Jag unless you were within 5 feet.

Yes. Reed and Leblanc have been pleasant surprises and I already new Harris was good. Really it would be just fine bordering on must watch without Evans.