This could have been sorted out without the police. This was a possible lethal use of police resources.
This could have been sorted out without the police. This was a possible lethal use of police resources.
Clear has to go. There should be just two lines for passengers. One for those vetted by the FBI and TSA, which is TSA Pre. And a line for everyone else.
Swift went supernova. The only way forward now is to cool down. I think she is off to get married and produce kids. This Kelce fella is not a typical Swift boyfriend.
I think a 7.x review from Pitchfork is incoming.
I would expect Baldwin to get the same 18 months. Turns out, Guiterrez-Reed should have pled!
If only we had a functioning Congress that would:
I like Dallas a lot. For 15 years or so it was my first choice for a retirement city after NYC wears me down (29 years and counting there). Pity Texas is not a free state. It is one of the least free. Granted, since its founding, Texas has always been a little fascist. But since the GOP became a death cult circa…
This is great news for car enthusiasts. But can we be real about Texas? I just completed my last ever visit to Texas (El Paso-Marfa-Fredericksburg-Vidor-Houston-Dallas). It is a full-on fascist state. The government is obsessed with encouraging citizens to turn against their neighbors (or shoot them). Everyone can…
Airlines should be encouraging checked bags, not raising fees which only encourages people attempting to carry-on or gate check, which causes costly gate delays. Those who are forced to check bags on their travel day are going to pay near $100 fees for their bags.
New York should rename JFK airport DJT. First, we gave this nation the orange man (you’re welcome), and second, we need to remember that he improbably became president and nearly killed us all. And he might do it again.
That 18th century flute she played is cursed.
And evil hairline.
That was it. Her Les Mis casting, performance and Academy lobbying was all designed to get her a statuette. Don’t hate her. Hate the star machine. Oh, and she does ooze Rich New York Girl energy. Which is what she has always been.
Another triggered wingnut.
It totally looks like a UK Focus. That was my first thought.
This going to open the floodgates, especially in low revenue / low budget states like Oklahoma and Kansas. Imagine all government licenses being handled by an app. Dog licenses. Gun licenses. Real Estate broker licenses. Weed growing licenses. Motorcycle licenses. This is what some local governments want. To hell with…
Bonus: The Horror Comedy Extra Ordinary (2019)
Mitsubishi Triton for me. Repeal the Chicken Tax. It’s holding EVs and small trucks back that we Yanks want. And isn’t this nation all about consumer choice?
The year of your birth was bigger. I think history is leaning towards 1991 being more consequential than 2001.
Heartbreaking is the word I would use. Gladstone won almost every award except the Big One. I fear she will be back, but never get this close again. She’s 37 by the way. A lot older than I thought. That is going to be a factor as she mounts another attempt. Hollywood is brutal.