Mister Sterling

My take

And she helps support positive mental health? She needs to piss off.

He pointed at a person and he squeezed. Negligent even if the gun wasn’t loaded. He’s going to be convicted.

Yeah, but the testimony and the swiftness of this jury doesn’t look good for Alec. If he doesn’t change his plea, he’s going to prison for a few months.

Baldwin’s being convicted in August. You can write that down. 

As I have been saying for years, if Gutierrez-Reed can be convicted, then Baldwin is almost surely being convicted as he pulled the trigger. Even if it is 6 months. Bye bye Alec.

This does not bode well for Mr. Balwin. I look forward to the AV Club headline in August along the lines of, ‘We will never see Trump convicted, but the guy who played him on SNL is going to prison.’

We might get Trump forced upon us again, but please lord, not this asshole.

Woah, this is how we’re teaching kids about the 90s? Here’s my take. The 20th Century unofficially ended in December 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. I remember. I was 18, and I was just 9 months away from getting my first email address. The future had arrived. The 90s were going to be a little weird given how

I am so upset that every headline about Lewis’ includes the words Curb Your Enthusiasm. He was a star. A mainstream comic. These headlines are disrespectful

They need to reconcile and deliver us Old Fink, the sequel to Barton Fink. Come on, guys.

And so the wait for a good game about the Golden age of piracy (1660-1725) continues. In the meantime,  I need to finish reading The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodward (2007).

See, folks. Even if a wounded, unpopular Joe Biden can win Michigan and Georgia and narrowly defeat Trump....we’re still screwed. This nation has crossed the Rubicon. Something far worse than Trump is coming. Some of it is already here in the form of medicine bans.

What’s happening to Williams is all too common for ordinary Americans. I think it is fair to say that Williams is now an ordinary American. No longer a celebrity. And her final years are going to full of suffering. Just ask a typical ordinary American how this story ends.

Oh, can the whole surviving Glee cast just disappear already?

From my cold dead hands, Sony. I had to perform a small miracle to get a PS5 digital at MSRP in the summer of 2022. And what do I use it for? To stream Fallout New Vegas and work through my PS4 backlog of games, of course.

This psychotic butterball needs to be put into an institution for the rest of his natural life. It’s the only way to ensure public safety.

No. That didn’t happen.

The world hasn't been fond of Cleese for over 30 years.

Supernatural elements for the sake of it almost never work. Especially if it is done at the expense of native American characters in the year 2024.