Mister Sterling

Well Amazon and Wal Mart could go the cyberpunk route and establish their own corporate police to punish people who shoot down their property. 

Careful now, starting next year, they will be the preferred class. They will be hired into DHS to work as migrant bounty hunters. And if they kill anyone, Trump will pardon them. They can be victims of authoritarianism, too. But for a while, they will be the strong arm of the autocrat.

Seems like Sag Harbor should defund the police. What’s the point of having cops at all, if their official duty is just to keep people of color out.

Legal experts have been arguing for years that the law needs to be changed. We shouldn’t have outcomes in which one is not convicted due to a mental disability. They can be both convicted and mentally disabled. Change these laws, or else there will be rare cases like this in which there is zero accountability.

525 feet is horrifying. One push down on the stick and it’s a hull loss. Game over.

That are not wrong. Boeing should be out of business. I don’t care how important they are for NASA and the Pentagon. If my Lehman Brothers can disappear, so can this enterprise. And last I checked, the house of Lehman didn’t kill anyone.

Speaking for myself, there are certain films a Gen-Xer should never see. This, Yesterday, The Big Chill. If there’s a movie about Boomer Nostalgia, then Xers need to shun it.

I’m no pilot, but that seems like a whisker away from a hull loss. This was during landing, so even if the plane was traveling under 200MPH, if corrective action had been taken 1 second later, it would have game over for everyone on board.

We’ve come a long way in the past 9 months, people:

That podcast is painful to watch. Trump looks and sounds completely lost. And yet it’s Trump who leads Biden in Iowa by over 10 points. We’re absolutely fucked.

We should be doing the exact opposite of what billionaires suggest we plebes do.

Possession is far from a great movie, but it so unique as a work of art, it belongs in that category of films that should never be remade. Also see Insomnia, Let The Right One In, Goodnight Mommy, etc.

I’m highly skeptical, and I say that as a survivor or 1 WTC. I had an advantage that day: I was 28 years young. The people who responded and volunteered were older then.

Coppola isn’t always correct about everything, but he’s correct here. Studio overpays for IP and productions, has to rake in tons of international ticket sales to make a profile. Rinse. Repeat. Coppola knew in the 1980s that the next great wave of films would be from the independents. Arguably, it still is.

But was she actually in danger? No. She psyched herself. I’m pretty sure Cannes 1988 was a safe place to be. Safer than Brooklyn or Northern Manhattan in 1988, for sure

Tarsem Singh made his visual style known 33 years ago with the Losing My Religion music video. I wanted him to shoot a Nirvana video as well, but it wasn’t meant to be (although Anton Corbijn’s Heart Shaped Box video does have vibrant colors). I lost track of him after he moved to feature films with The Cell with one

This is fraudulent behavior. So much for the private sector getting stuff done.

Right. Because American corporations aren’t making enough profit. Damn labor regulations are holding them back. Let’s abolish weekends and bring back slavery, then. This 105 year experiment in labor rights was a failure. Happy May Day!

I wonder what could have happened if this was the middle of the Clinton administration and Robert Reich was acting labor secretary. I’d like to think that he’d at least investigate this and say something. The Labor Department today is toothless, and won’t exist under Trump and the line of GOP dictators who follow.

Given how many other automakers were applying to join the Supercharger network, wouldn’t there have been an incentive to keep the division alive, or at least spin it off as a separate company? Those stations aren’t going to expand or be maintained on their own.