Robin Swope

I vote for Emo Phillips for Mr. Fantastic.

Ancient Grecian Temples often had mechanical statues to awe the worshipers. Not as sophisticated, but a start. You just put a coin in and the god blessed you, spoke or cried.

Jon Hamm

My son and I spent hours upon hours of this game and always wondered why such a great game never had a sequel...

According to the “Fandom Menace’ guys, most of the cancellers re-upped when they hear the Carano firing was an inside feud between Faverau and Kennedy on the future of Star Wars. Many have urged the cancellers to come back to support Favreau’s new life to the franchise. Who knows though. Big Tech can tell you anything

How many are “Binge and Purge” viewers? I know many just pick it up for a month to binge and then cancel. Are some of these repeat customers re-upping for a month?

This was the worst disapointment of WandaVision; she is a great actress, I hope they use her further to highlight her range and talent. I’d love a standalone series.

Jolly Good!

As someone who works with and knows political liberals and conservatives intimately (and some in Government), the racism doesn’t stop at party lines folks...It’s the heart not the politics.

I dunno, one of their promos is having all the Star Trek that nobody wants to watch...

Now playing

I loved how they handled Wanda’s grief. But the show left me with this song in my head...

Odds are not in that outcomes future...

Mackie is a goddamn treasure and I’m so, so, so, so goddamn happy to see Marvel give Sam the spotlight he deserves.” This times 10,000

All the King’s Horses- Horsemen of Apocalypse?

Only if it’s exceptional.

huh. I posted a meme, but you are the one talking. Seems like you got a lot of issues going on in that noggin of yours pal. I’d take a break before you get an anurism while discussing the ‘worth’ of another human being.

I have to commend you on your writing skills. While some of your colleagues writing leaves one bored and ready to move on, the way you exquisitely use the english language is a joy to read. I hope the future is bright for you!