Robin Swope

5 years is a long time for the facts to be decimated, look at how top secret things come to light after a while when the dust settles. Avengers HQ was in Upstate NY, it looks remote on film but millions live there. I bet a lot of smartphones were out at the last battle too, and drones and the US military and covert

Here here. Kudos.

Ellis is really Sloan from DS9, and the MCU is an illusion.

I hope everything came out ok in the end......

My lot? I think you’ve gone into a cliche. I think what they did to James Gunn sucks and the same here. It’s a slippery slope when your employer requires political obedience. History shows it’s not a good thing. And really this is just about political hate, it is. Carino did some stupid things, but she’s an MMA

It’s because you made it personal. BTW its called a rebuke, for you not me. Im good.

Judgement alienates. Dont judge people, you will get along better with others.

So many people hating a woman for having an opinion.

Ok, that got me laughing.

Oh go grovel in your own lurid vomit, and take your judgement and shove it.

As a progressive pastor who likes Cara Dune and doesn’t care what people’s personal lives are like (mutual love, mutual respect is the only way to progress) I take offense at the stereotyping. To hell with your cookie cutter bs, let everyone think for themselves. This is just the Moral Majority Censorship of the 80s

having the protagonists being spectators to the action isn’t the best flow for an action movie...

But it had a song by U2!!!!!!!!!

It will happen right after The Amazing Spiderman 3 and the Sinister Squad get released by Sony.

This happens, then this happens, then this and then the end. Minimalistic story telling and no real character development. Lazy writing 101. They could have done better.

True, true. maybe I am Ryan Renolds-izing the Corps. LOL

I just wish that we could get a Justice League type John Stewart Green Lantern in the DCMU. He is hands down the best Green Lantern, Hal Jordan just comes off like a middle America white guy from the 50s most of the time.

Looks like a Motorola phone, they do that, they suck.

But her statements were directed at Democrats. That is why, the party that cannot be touched, or we will get you.