Robin Swope

All I can think of is:

Seriously, all I see here are people passively hating, while hating hate. I hate that.

But it’s not a technical manual, is it now?

Some people look good bald. I hope she holds it well.

Bring back Roy!!!! We need stupid naivety more than ever!

this leads me to a question, “How many progressives would date a fundamentalist conservative if they looked REALLY hot?”

This might not be a popular opinion but Teyonah Parris beats the heck out of Larson in the acting arena. She is brilliant. I’d love to see her Captain Marvel take the lead in future movies, and put Larson to the side. Larson adds a certain ‘privilege’ to the role while Teyonah brings heart and soul with her amazingly

The Armageddon index just went up to 11. Let’s go to a parallel universe, this one went all 80's dystopia.

Mara Jade, please.

He basically is quitting show business, nobody is going to want to work with him after this. Just like so many other potential stars...

Here ya go:

I don’t understand this thought that politicians are here to make your life better. They lie and manipulate to make their own lives better. Both sides, if you can’t see it now, you will. Power corrupts, Mr. Smith went to Washington, but instead of cleaning it up they see the glowing gleam of power and focus on

I just hope Bad Robot’s trend of bad script writing does not disappoint Tolkien fans as they have Star Wars and Trek fans. Please have character development and story arcs that make sense and mean something to the character’s progession as an individual instead of “this happens then this happens”.


I think the Pandemic is taking it’s toll across the world. Isolation breeds depression and delusion. I’m afraid it isn’t over yet, I am sure all kinds of weird shit is in store for 2021....

I was thinking that it was the ghost of Tip O’Neill.

I know, right? But it if true , it seems some manifest destiny and Karma was at work in DC that day. God/The Universe works in mysterious ways.

I’m glad you love the Disney Trilogy, but overall for me it’s just the writing. The cast deserved better...all of them. JJ’s original plan was to have Rey’s powers come from Luke, so you see the whole arch was male centric to begin with. What we got was a ‘remedy’ for the situation that did not change the plot holes,