Robin Swope

I think the cast stays away from bad writing.

I think the cast stays away from bad writing.

The writing is juvenile. The actors deserve better.

Paramount + give ya check Bob? The writing is adolescent.

Isn’t it called STD?

Sponsored. Poor Paramount. Can’t wait till the Bad Reboot era dies and we get good writing back.

Doom Patrol

I09, where failed tv shows get press.

Sea sickness in a superhero helmet is always fun for the whole family!!!


God you people are Bastards. Read about the guy. I hope Karma comes for you judgemental aholes.

This is a masterpiece and it would be a sin not to complete it.

It’s used like this:

Good, he and his wife deserved better than how they were treated on Legends.

The problem with this episode (despite major plot holes) is that they sideswipe the Nobel African Heritage that made T’Challa the man that we saw in the films. This badly written episode throws that away like it’s nothing. That he rose to a higher morality while being raised by pirates is idiotic. They could have done

Marvel has gone past it’s expiration date in freshness.

Just remember The Amazing Spider-man. Kurtzman is the franchise killer.....

As an author myself, even the big sellers do not make squat. Publishing houses pay pittance per books sold. Self publishing is better but most authors have a side hustle to make the bills.