Robin Swope

I’ll just leave this here...

It would mean it would be the State with the highest crime rate in the US.

My opinon is it’s horrid writing. A woman can’t have a hero journey? What is behind that crap? Feels like hidden chauvinism. Women can’t make it like a man so they have to have thing just given. Sorry, I know too many hard working strong women who have a personal hero journey, thank you. Patriarchy disguised as

Ok, that was a good one....

They lost their money base by alienating most older fans. They didnt sell merchandise. The biggest gain for Disney to by Star Wars was the merchandising. That died with disenfranchising the people who bought it. How much Disney Star Wars merch do you own outside of the Mandelorian.? I know nobody buys the new trilogy

Looks like a lot of work for iffy food. Also, it reeks privilege.

Actually it’s more old tales from grandparents who actually have a small amount of blood and identify as Native personally in some way. I have native and african blood by such tales and geneology. My point is why does the white negate the Native blood when some of our ancestors on the white side actually helped and adv

The ended just needed a few words...

The actors deserve better writing.

No trunks, know peace.

Who cares about trunks when they changed the belt to RED. It’s a color conundrum!!!!

I MUST PROTEST THE AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE! Some people like to watch asphalt dry...

Yeah that’s bullshit. American privilege, where everything is tuned to 11. Go out and look around the world and tell me of your oppression. So some church people are stupid, well dont go or give money yourelf and stop trying to be Chairman Mao by telling people what they should believe. Your slope is slippery and you

Just a point to consider, the right says the same exact thing about the left. It’s good to have a nation fighting against each other when you are trying to do some behind the scenes that would be unacceptable to most in the broad daylight. Something is going on and both Democrats and Republicans will be the victims,

You dont have to believe everything in a religion to support it’s good works. Has he personally done anything to what you are equatinghim with? shall we look at your financial records and go down the rabbit hole? It’s just religious bigotry disguised as social outrage.

That’s like ‘Cats’ on acid.

So when did Pratt do that? I think you got fuzzy logic friend. How much freaky bad crap you got hiding that you need to judge someone else???

Just when our leaders are saying it’s time for healing, Chris Pratt’s religion and political leaning become something to shame him about, once again? Hey, how about unity in this crappy Pandemic now that the political dust has settled? Overlooking others faults is a key to personal growth, and cooperation despite