Robin Swope

I’m one of the few Protestant ministers in the Salt Lake area that is progressive and does same sex marriages. We’ve had Drag Shows at our church and have a huge food bank that is staffed by LDS volunteers. While our Pride Flag may get stolen sometimes (kids who have nothing to do) we have seen a large progressive

I think the big thing is, was it the last of her LINE or the last of her RACE? There is a big difference morally in the long run, although in the short run it is gross. But life is gross.

Notice the eggs came to the baby when it came close to the container???

Kanye/Cyrus 2028. Make America Sing Again.

I dunno, I know a lot of Democrats who sit on their asses getting paychecks without helping the world at all too...

Now playing

I was kinda shook trying to understand his train of thought in the interview.

But will the latex degrade and peel within the first year like all previous Yoda dolls of such sort?

I don’t care if it’s a sequel or what, it’s James Gunn, and please take my money.

Why are they making so much new Star Trek when they don’t have profitable  ratings? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.


As a highly trained and experienced Theologian, this is Blasphamy. Pure and simple. Reese’s is the Divine Candy, straight from God Herself!

Story plots do not equal content. TFA was a hollow script that was more of fleeting montage’s than an actual sustained plot. Julie, are you a creative who knows how art works, or is this a paid advertisement for Disney?

The casting on this one spells doom. Good actors, wrong characters.

Isn’t random hostility the modern zeitgeist?

In the wonderland of  America even dirt is clean.

Every few years you have a futurists vision of the future. It’s always wrong because they always leave out or minimalism the unpredictable chaos human beings bring to the equation.

He did an incredible job, that is one smooth video.

As someone who works, and lives in a spiritual angle; all I can say is Karma is gonna be a bitch for you abject haters. And I’m not talking about Orange Don.

Cue the Dubstep.