Robin Swope

Next Supernatural. you’ll be dead before it ends....

Tony Stark could make him Iron Wang.

Will they be buried in their Cosplay? Could start a trend.

He needs penile armor.

Wow. karma’s coming to get YOU son. Kindly keep that pretentious idiocy at bay and judge someone else, like yourself......

Best Answer Award, Gizmodo 2020.

Well, with the civil war and asteroid impact coming in the next few months, I think we should just get ready to have these jump across media to cave drawings....

Actually I was between jobs and received medicaid and had a series of illnesses hit. Medicaid not only paid for the operations, the therapy and most of the side follow ups that cost a lot. It was far better than the expensive healthcare I received from Insurance Companies. The US system wasnt perfect, but it works.

Damn fine thing you did, sharing this. Frak 2020.

Talent and charity does not neglect his seeming call for violence instead of reasoned diplomatic solution. He and Republicans and Democrats are drawing lines and believe it or not all of us will be (and are) paying for it. Think of what we could do if we focused on common goals instead of this tribalism where the

I was huge fan of Kung Fu, and a female version is awesome, but once again they have a female lead and a crappy concept. I hope it works out, but I have a feeling this show has the same problem as most shows today, horrid writing being pushed and manipulated by creatively deficient Studio Execs who want social marks

But its functional. You’ll cut your hand on all that other fancy crap attached twirling the saber about hither and yon.

Because Disney needs the money.

Shouldn’t it be Paramount-, since they dont show Showtime?

All we need is Yellowstone to blow, and 2020 will be complete.

So cats are becoming to Sci-Fi shows what a new baby arrival was to classic sitcoms. A death knell.

White guy here (well I do have Native and African blood via the slave trade diaspora  from my grandparents but unlike most in my family, I am a whitey) Funny thing, during a trip to Africa to do relief support, one of my co workers was a medium skinned Africa American lady. We all discovered that the Africans call all

Well, no international distribution with Netflix and Amazon staying away speaks volumes, rumors be damned.

Everything Bad Robot touches lately turns to crap....

Have you ever worked at the post office? They have been on life support for decades. Dont blame your current conspiracy theory for inept delivery from the Government. It’s been like this since the 70s....