Robin Swope

Too bad the writing sucks during the time of a breakthrough character....

What’s disturbing to me as a student of history is how this nations party of inclusion and acceptance in a platform of ‘love’ keeps on striking out at personal issues with hate instead of real issues that hit home to all people. You are all being manipulated to hate so you can fight for the rich and powerful

Cancel culture is just like the horrendous Christian Moral Majority that the foul Falwell hatched in the 80s. Judgement and silencing with no grace or redemption. History shows that this type of thing usually backfires on it’s proponents. Redemption of a person brings new life, Cancel brings nothing good for anyone.

lol documentary

Funny how we can forgive the horrible racist pasts of politicians, but we can’t muster grace enough to offer redemption to normal people. Stop cancel culture, grace and redemption gives the person a chance to be better instead of nothing. Because sooner or later, YOU will need a second chance too....

In the 90's producers had already come up with lyrics...

I really liked this format! You did a great job Bob, I feel your pain-Bill Clinton style. You are Karma Manifest for these bad movies, and you reign supreme!

Well, Gizmodo celebrating a impoverished minority artist caring for his dying family member being ripped off by a mega corporation for profit. How progressive of you.

I smell a CBS plant....

Wow, looks like they have the same Cinematographer that Game of Thrones Season 7 had....

Sometimes people want to love something so much, they overlook the bad qualities that are glaring to others.

Format does not overcome bad writing. Lipstick on a pig is still lipstick on a pig, no matter what you tell yourself, Farmer Brown.

When I look at all the comments, I don’t see action, I see reaction. Remember if you react, you are just following someone else’s rules....

Yes, that is how the Reformation started...

She should get the death penalty

Why are the new shows considered a success if they are failing to find international distribution?

Let’s hope this corpse rots quickly along with Discovery and Picard so a new generation of writers with skill gets the Trek mantle.

The desiccated corpse of a once great franchise.

You know, a lot of astronomy is done through composite. You should think about that, huh? Or do you want a meteor to destroy your world?