Robin Swope

You make a lot of far reaching assumptions based on little evidence. Good luck in life, you will need it.

Media is often internally politicized and selective; skill is often not required but the right ideas and allegiance are. It’s just too much work for little gain; whereas you can freely express yourself on social media.

Right, fall back on stereotypes and cliches if it makes you feel like it makes your point valid to you. It makes everyone else think less of you.

Sorry you live under a rock. Here’s to a future of better living conditions for you.

So is being an arrogant know it all, know it all. You are obviously not a deep thinker.

Probably all others. Get out and see the world.

No, Just 4chan users.....

Some citizens with a camera IS the Government with a camera....

How about ANY government with protesters. The USA is better than most. Keep up with international events.

Dear Mr. Whitbrook. It is not too late, there are surgeries and procedures to repair broken taste buds...

Ah yes. Just because you are white skinned, you are racially ‘pure’. I bet a genealogy test would make her shit her pants.

I get you, but gotcha culture is gonna bite it’s supporters in the ass.Because white, brown, yellow we are all human and ALL fuck up. The guys is clearly an idiot but in mistakes there comes time for growth or withering. Gotcha culture makes the withering more pronounced, and as history has shown us with the Soviet

Bullshit. When you make a mistake, you will be begging for forgiveness yourself. We are all HUMAN. We make mistakes, it is what it is to be human. yeah he said sleezy things. I bet you have too. DONT LIE TO YOURSELF.  You will get what you give in this life. Forgive others and help them be the best they can, therefore

Sounds too much like everything else on the CW....

Matthew 5:30, “And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell” Funny this is one of the few verses that the Fundamentalists don’t take literally....

Told ya.

However such a statement is regionalized and is not whole hock for the entire Cosmos. The logic dictates that there might have been other creations since the writer clarifies the action taking place on Earth.

As a Christian Theologian myself I must respond to Associate Professor Kelly Eileen Hayes statement that Christianity is excluded. Her statements flies in the face of Koine Greek exegesis; for the famous line from John 3:16 “For God so loved the World that He gave his only Son” shows universal redemption, for the word

Deep Space 9? ???? Epic Fail.