Robin Swope

Voyager was a great premise destroyed by bad writing. The characters that should have stood out were just too vanilla. For me as a fan, I followed Ron D. Moore as he wrote about the last days of DS9 and his blunt insight into the disaster of what became of the Voyager writing room. From his blog/journal I quote:

Just so long as they get rid of Kurtzman and hire Ira Steven Behr. And make the Klingons less insectoid.

If only they had left the not so threatening Luthor out of it and kept in Routh as Supes...

So long as they keep J.J. the Nerd Franchise Killer away from it and give it some good writing, I am good. Poor DC....

“Disco-era”? That was what the Kelvin Timeline’s Enterprise was, essentially.

Dear Marvel, hire Sam Raimi. ‘Nuff Said.

Thank you for honoring the thoughts of both the lovers and haters of the sequels, it shows class. It is the way.

Jon Favreau

JJ Abrams is the Nerd killer. He is the Jock who is laughing all the way to the bank. Lense flair out...

When did you decide to become a fascist?” LOL, YES!! !

They will fall in soup.

After Krypto’s rocket catch and return last episode, this series has won my heart. Bad casting though. Batman’s too tiny and frail.

Some people like fine cuisine and some like fast food. Scorsese is legend but to judge someones art and taste is just a sign of narrow minded privilege.

Lest we forget...

Say what you will on which side of the aisle you are on. If a Civil War breaks out, it will be the rich elitists on both sides who win and the poor unempowered masses that will be the losers. All politicians want to do is have power and all Governments want absolute power. Wars are inevitable. And the economically

Godspeed into the unknown and thanks for the pathos and joy.

She looks like a 40 yr old woman selling scuba gear.

Bravo sir, well said!

Amen! It was a joy of goofiness and was very much a Stranger Thing to behold. The moon shot made it for me. Poo on the naysayers who hate anything unpredictable! You guys are just old cranky people in young bodies!