Robin Swope

The world would be a better place if cops acted like Cap. However, since Ancient Egypt police brutality has been a norm. Power turns people mad.

Why is a 30-40 something Hindu adult  woman planning on playing a teenage Muslim? Why not get a teenage person of Islamic faith? Not enough of them in the world to choose from????

My question is, why does Tony have a 5 yr old suit on at the end of Endgame?

I think ya lost ‘em on that one....

That is just negating the subject with a differential value judgement about another human being. Basically, childish in itself....

Yes it is about white guys and not bad films. But that said the film was good, but flawed. Much like the original Iron Man.

Sue the cops get a bigger house with lots of dogs that hate cops.

I don’t care what side of the aisle they are on. Never trust a Politician. I am sure there are an unspecified few who will (and who were promised they would) get rich over this legislation like any other...

Avery always had a unique perspective on life. Like a homespun radical progressive with great heart and spirituality. That is why he is the Emissary.

Written by a white guy.


Then why does my cat respond and initiate conversations with emotive vocal modulation? Hmmm. You need a cat.

That theme song drew you into a fantastic world of emotion and strangeness every week. It should have lasted 7 seasons, but died before it’s time. The curse of being a SciFi/SyFy show. Only the good die young.

Wow, who knew she could act?

Call the franchise owner or the franchise. Get free stuff.

A friendly reminder that the owner of Jimmy John is a big game killer.

Usually people get judgemental when the the action or deed that they find offensive is really a hidden desire or a desire that they secretly indulge in and judging others is a way of self expiation. So I bet something sexual about this lights her moral grey matter and gets it abuzz. She is probably a repressed

Get them an Agent, stat!

If I know my Conservatives I would wager that Rep. Heather Fitzenhagenhas some mighty big skeletons in her closet and the moral superiority is just a front to hold up her ego.

Peele is a creative animal! An artistic Renaissance man.