Robin Swope

Black, white, money talks. I’m glad he got leniency but this just adds fuel to the detractors.

the first episode would center on a World War II pilot who finds himself traveling through time to present day—and what would happen if he chose not to go back home
Didn’t they do that on BBC’s Torchwood a decade ago?

Just sounds like justification for a very stupid blunder in producing a compelling character without being able to use nuance. Some people can’t do nuance, it always ends up being Ham Fisted.

Booze+Bad Seas=Vomit

Now playing

Fargin Icehole! Johnny Dangerously was a favorite in stifling hyper-moral Christian Colleges where you couldnt use any Fargin’ languages.

The problem in the US is, as someone like many of you who has gone through it. Our new Healthcare system gives us access (although before there was always access)but for the poor (I am on Medicaid because of disabilities brought on by Physician incompetence:oh yeah I am too poor to sue-You need a very good expensive

Normal people do not think politics first as motivation. Only people who use others for personal power do that.

In before Dark Fart.

Stevia ‘nuff said

Yeah that is the looking to the future. I hope you have the high attitude when you eat your grains today supplied by the farmer.

How about an article on pudding? Everybody loves pudding.

They ate lunch together and shared ideas for 30 years. DC/Marvel always had a revolving door but they all met together for food and booze. The ideas flowed.

It has to be Adam Warlock.

Let it die. It needs to.

Told ya! lol

Like many people words and actions do not jive with Ms. Larson. I blame the alcohol and her desire for equality. She seemed ok before and has moderated herself fine afterward. We always like to pick up a banner of moral superiority as we march for a cause whatever it may be. Let us be careful, we may march on others

Aerosmith got it right, Eat the rich.

Yes. Privilege. It doesnt mean they are the best, just that Mommy, Daddy and their rich and connected associates make sure they SEEM the best. Better than the LOWER class attempts that is...

That is just dismissive without any ground besides your opinion. You are accusing him of the same thing that you are doing. And that is the problem the world has today. Hypocrisy cant hold up standing on a soap box, on either side.

That show had so much potential, and the writers took too many drugs, lol